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How do we know when the end is near?

My kids are at the ER tonight with their dad (my ex). He has been a severe alcoholic for 20+ years and was diagnosed 15 months ago with Alcoholic Hepatitis and Cirrosis of the liver. He was told then that if he quit drinking, he had approx 2 years to live. He continued to drink heavily until 3 days ago, when he became too sick to drink. He has lost 40+ pounds in the past 6 months, is vomiting blood and has bloody diarrhea now. His skin is bright red from his neck up, his legs are very pale and tonight his feet are actually black. He is having extreme abdominal pain and he is shaking badly. His BP is very high and his pulse is 125+. The ER doctors are running blood tests and a CT scan now. They suspect "alcoholic pancreatitis" but are not explaining anything. The kids called me from the hospital, asking me to do internet research. They need some definite answers. We all know he is dying, but we have no idea if he is looking at days, weeks or months left. Can you help?
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That is not as simple as a solution as you might believe. If he is arrested for drunk driving, it can be very expensive. So his wife will have to suffer those financial consequences as well.   And his wife will have to drive him everywhere, even when he is sober. Which will severely impact her schedule. Plus a drunk driving conviction does not necessarily stop a drunk from wanting to continue drinking.   The legal system cannot "fix "a person and keep them from drinking. Unless of course, they are locked up.
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1724834 tn?1310225415
I realize it's been 2 years and I haven't written on here but I don't think I ever wrote a message telling everyone what happened afterwards. Dad never picked up another drink. He remained sober and continued to go to AA and was able to help other alcoholics through his story. It was amazing the transformation that he achieved! I switched majors at school and now I am graduating in May with a degree in substance abuse counseling so that I can help others who are struggling like he was.  
In May of 2013 my dad got confused. I got a call from his aa group that he was not acting right. When I talked to him on the phone he couldn't even tell me where he was. I rushed over there and took him to the hospital. In the hospital I learned that his cirrhosis was pretty bad and his lactulose levels were extremely high. No matter how much medicine they have it still wouldn't bring them down. I'll never forget the lady coming in to talk to us about hospice. I was shocked. They told me my dad was going to die. They have me a time frame that I wasn't prepared for..." A couple of days to a couple of weeks" dad went home with hospice. On the way we stopped at every family members house to say goodbye just in case. It never seemed real and it felt like a dream. Dad was staying at home with visits from hospice until one night he made a phone call to me. He said "misty, I know you would do anything for me and before I die I need one more favor. I'm tired of saying goodbye to people and I have a loaded gun here but I don't have the guts to pull the trigger and I need you to do it for me" after that input dad in a hospice home.  Dad was the youngest patient there at 47 Years old. He also appeared to be the healthiest. Checking on all the patient and walking around giving our hugs to all the staff. They loved him there! That Saturday dad asked me to cook him a alexia meal for Sunday. His only request? That we all eat from the same plates and sit down like a real family. It was my Brother and I. Dad said that day that he didn't want my brother to go back to base and to just hang our with him. Actually he insisted it! We thought it was crazy because my brother needed to save his leave for when things for bad. But my dad persisted and he stayed. That spaghetti with extra meat and extra cheese was our last meal with dad. That night his vital signs declined. He woke up just enough to tell us he loved us and to not leave his side. On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday he screamed. He screamed for help. He projectile vomited blood and bled through his eyes. He actually looked like he was crying blood tears. I'll never forget what that looked like. Thursday morning June 6th, 2013 at 11:25 am my dad died. For some odd reason that I will never understand my brother and I stepped out of the room for the first time together. We were only gone for like 3 minutes and that is when my dAd took his last breath. He made us promise we wouldn't leave his side and we ended up only being the only 2 people that weren't there. I think that's the one thing my brother and I still struggle with.
I wanted everyone to know you will never understand how much you helped me. Thank you for all of your support and words of encouragement. You guys mean the world to me And I wish I could hug everyone of you individually. I'm doing much better. I believe god put me through this so that I can have the compassion it takes to work with other alcoholics. I have a purpose in life and as I help people I will wear my necklace with my dad's ashes (that he helped me pick out before he died) with pride so that he is able to continue to serve others with me.
Thank you guys once again!
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I have read every comment from first to last. I am sorry about your father. I know I too will experience my fathers demise due to alcohol. I am glad you got to experience that time with him while he was getting better. I am simply amazed my father is still here,years have gone by wondering if he will make it through this night or the next.He is an abusive man when he drinks, mostly just verbal now that he can't get around on his own. Me being his oldest son I believe I am his biggest punching bag. Death threats to me are not uncommon, but I know that if he was sober he would be a different man and if I'm not there for him no one who really cares for him will be.
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I am in a similar situation. I do hate him. He is mean & abusive. I don't feel bad for feeling this way. I was a good wife & he chose alcohol knowing he would hurt me. I will be released when he breaths his last breath.
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Sorry for your loss! I know this post thread is old but you and your dad are still helping others as I stumbled across this site by pure luck; or maybe the Lord brought me here!

Bless you and your family

Will- former black out drunk who is 1 month sober
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My husband has been an abusive drunk for over 30 yrs.   He drinks heavily every weekend and the days  he takes a week or so off from  work, he drinks 7 days a week.  I never left him because he insists on driving drunk unless I hide the keys.  I have been hiding them for many yrs and the few times I forgot he took off drunk.  Once he smashed the car into  fence.  I worry that he is going to kill an innocent person.  When people tell me I am an ******* for not leaving him, it could be their family member that he kills because I did not hide his keys.  He also threatens to burn down the house if I go to a lawyer.  I am stuck in this hell and no one has ever given me advice as what to do.  He has been in the mental hospital and also rehab, but he still chooses to drink.
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The minute he leaves the house drunk and in a car, call the police and have him arrested for drunk driving, it won't only save another persons life, it just might save his.  
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Thank you for writing, you helped me tonight. I'm worried by brother is in or nearing end stage alcoholism.  I love him so much.  I'm going to visit him within the next week. I'll find out more then.  Misty you are a wonderful daughter, sister and no doubt friend to many.  Thank you to all who wrote here, you helped me very much.  So sad ... alcoholism, it breaks my heart.  
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May God Bless you and your dad and may God continue to work through you in helping others to stay sober.  
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Wow! I just found this thread looking for info on alcoholism (dad and other family). What an amazing and beautiful story of family love, redemption, service and purpose. God bless you and your brother,Misty. I hope you are still doing well.
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OMG!i was speechless reading this!so sorry for your loss:(you have invaluable life experience to contribute to the counseling field!may many see it...and learn from it!i hope your holidays are peaceful and i know you will remember your dad's good moments in life!
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Back atcha my favorite assistant!:)i know u llurk w/the best of intentions!
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1475202 tn?1536270977
I always stop by to see how your doing over here Ibizzy, I'm sneaky sneaky like that. Ha ha You really have some wonderful people here in the community, especially you! It's always great to read how excited some people are about starting their new life.

I wish nothing but the best for you my friend.. Cheers!

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So glad to see you here my dear Poohbear!Congrats on the sober days!Such a better life indeed!Thank U as usual for the stellar feedback!
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1475202 tn?1536270977
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1475202 tn?1536270977
Hello Bella and welcome to MedHelp.

I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and I am glad to hear you are doing well.

Let me explain to you how cirrhosis works:

Everything we ingest damages and kills liver cells but that is okay because the liver has the ability to heal itself by reproducing healthy new cells. This is part of its every day function. The liver performs more than 500 critical functions daily. When we abuse alcohol massive amounts of liver cells are being destroyed and over time the liver is unable to keep up so scar tissue begins to form. This is called fibrosis and in more severe cases cirrhosis. It is critical to stop any further advancement to prevent this disease from becoming fatal.

It sounds like you have compensated cirrhosis which means enough of your liver is still healthy enough to perform its daily functions. This also means without further advancement it is possible for you to live your full life not being shortened due to liver disease though it does not take much for your liver to decompensate and symptoms to manifest. Once enough damage has been done the disease will progress until your liver fails.

Having one glass of alcohol is what got you here to begin with. You know the pattern of alcoholism and how it works. None of us here ever just stop after one. Allowing one will only lead to more or doing it more often. It’s been more than 3 ½ years since my diagnosis, many times I have often wished it would be okay to just have a night of “fun”. Really though, would you even be able to enjoy it knowing what it’s doing to your already damaged liver? Gambling with your survival and how would you feel about it the next day? Be stronger than this my friend. You have made a huge change in your life, your finally on top probably for the first time in years this drink does not control any aspect of your life. You have done what it takes to save your own life, be proud of yourself it has been a long hard road and if you start up drinking again with only having one then you throw away everything you have just accomplished. It does not take long for a cirrhotic person that continues to drink causing liver disease to advance to liver failure.

Just ask the lady that started this post. The man the mother and daughter speak about in the above posts is sadly no longer with us because he was unable to find the strength to maintain his sobriety until he reached a point where it was too late.  

Sorry to go on such a rant over such a simple question but it is very important you understand the serious risk that you would be taking. If it were so easy to just stop after one. then why are we all here?

I wish you the best, take care!

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Hi Randy....you seem to know quite a bit about this sub. I will share some things with you and ask one question.  I was admitted to the hosp. on 6-9-13 with severe hydration, very low electrolyte levels, ascites and just plain sick. They ordered an ultrasound first and loads of blood work round the clock and diag me w- cirrhosis.  I followed up with a Gastro guy, Rheum, and my MD, totally complied with their directions, have changed my diet, done the supplements, milk thistle, exercise and abstinence. It will be 4 mos in a few . I recently had a full body ct scan and the liver, pancreas, spleen, gall bladder showed normal and no evid of ascites.
My question is, other than the obvious, what could it possible hurt if I had just one glass of wine?
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495284 tn?1333894042
We could use an update here ladies!!!
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1724834 tn?1310225415
Hey Everyone! I am extremely happy to report that my Dad is 41 days sober and still going strong.  He is still eating healthy and learning to how to treat himself naturally without the use of medicines.  He has figured out that certain foods will cause pain in his pancreas and knows what to eat and drink to make the pain not be there.  He is still having problems sleeping but he says they are not as bad as they were.  He also is not shaking near as much!  He also told me that he is gaining weight which is a good thing because he has lost so much from all the throwing up that the alcohol made him do.  I am becoming more positive about this situation and I feel like maybe this really is something that he is going to keep up.  I was a little cautious at first, and still am a little, but he is proving me wrong everyday! He is delivering pizzas under the table and is in school for motorcycle mechanics.  He has told me that he has friends that have drank around him.  This does worry me a little.  He said that he smelled it and it smelled like horse pee and he never understood how in the world he drank that stuff. He also said that when his friends get drunk, and he is just sitting there sober, he finally gets to see how much of an idiot he was...lol.
Yes, I have been having some problems and have gone to my doctor who sent me to get some tests. The tests did come back that I have endometriosis in my ovaries and my uterus.  It's extremely painful. I am no longer ovulating. (Sorry for the men on here) I am now faced with the decision of having kids a lot sooner than I expected or to not have any at all of my own.  In order to have children now, I will have to take a series of shots to make me ovulate and then the possibilty of multiples has come up....and that scares me.  I am completely stuck. I have no idea what to do, so I have made another doctors appointment to talk to her to get an opinion and learn what my options are.  My boyfriend and I wil be getting married!!! We have been together for about 3 years so I think that we are prepared to make such a big commitment.  He is my best friend and I'm ready. Like Mom said, we are going to have a wedding on the beach probably around September of next year.  My dad will be walking me down the aisle.  I was always scared that my little brother would have to do it because my Dad wouldn't be here when it was time.  I'm not scared anymore.  I think Dad will be here.  And if not, it won't be the alcohol that took him away from this special time in my life.  Dad and I have talked about me getting married and he said that if we toasted at the wedding to Champagne or wine, we will get him some sparkling grape juice and nobody will ever no the difference and he can still be a part of it...lol.  I will be going to school on August 23rd for nursing.  I have 2 semesters left of pre-nursing and then it's applying to get into the program.  I am shooting to be in the nursing program in the Fall of 2012. Wish me luck! :-)

To Brad: I have no way of knowing how long your dad has left to live.  I can tell you that I don't know what happened in that hospital that made my dad want to quit drinking but whatever it was, it worked.  I have cried, begged, pleaded, screamed, cussed....I have done everything I could to try to get Dad to quit and he never would. Some people will tell you differently but I don't think you make an alcoholic quit before they are ready.  And even them, some are never ready. When I took Dad to the hospital he was bleeding out his nose, mouth, penis, and rectum. It was horrible.  His skin color was yellow. He had lost probably 30-40 pounds. He couldn't eat or sleep.  All he did was throw up this nasty green thick stuff which I later found out was liver bile. And he was in SO much pain! He hurt right at the top part of his stomach.  I stayed with him the whole time to make sure that he was ok and it was not a pretty sight.  I wanted him to know that no matter what I forgave him, and I wanted him to get better. I was told that it was extremely important to make sure that he knows that he has a lot of support so I would not leave his side.  Your Dad needs some support. I know it seems hard, especially with him still drinking, to be supportive because then you feel like you are supporting his addiction.  That's how I felt.  When I was mad at Dad for drinking I would make up excuses not to go to house because I didn't want to see him drunk or to allow him to think that I thought it was ok.  Dad actually showed up at my little brother's high school graduation at 10 am drunk. It was embarassing for him! Instead, when I would go to his house, I would try to go as early as possible so he wasn't too bad yet or hadn't passed out.  I told him over and over that the drinking was going to kill him. I even asked him one time how he wanted things done in the end because that is where he was heading and I wanted to be prepared.  I told him over and over....I love you Dad, I just don't love the things that you do to yourself and your family.  I seriously believe that Dad is one of those people that hit "rock bottom" and was able to bounce back.  I think you should visit your Dad often. Not only for him, but for you. If something happened to him would you regret not going as much? Make sure he is not lonely.  Only God knows when it is someone's time to go, but make sure that in the meantime you get to spend as much time as you can with him.  That will be important later.  When we were in the hospital I thought he might would die....and I began to think of all the times I let him down by not being there. Please keep me posted on how he is doing and I will try to get on here more to keep with the updates.  The people in this group Brad, are amazing. I wish I could meet everyone of them in person because when I was so down and upset and scared they seemed to make me feel so much better. For a whole week of my life, the one thing I looked forward to was for someone to write me on here! If it weren't for this group, I might have gone crazy! lol

Thank you guys! You are awesome!

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Brad, there is no way to know how much damage your dad has done to himself, so only the doctor can guess at his time frame. I thought for sure my ex would die in the emergency room over a month ago, but he made drastic changes and is doing great. Sometimes an alcoholic has to hit "rock bottom" before they realize how serious their problem is. The lucky ones get another chance at life. I would definitely worry about your dad being alone though. If anything happened, he may not be able to call for help. If he is drinking because he is lonely, he needs to know that he is loved. Spend as much time with him as possible. That time will be good for you both!
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My name is brad and my dad is a severe alcohol he has had a box of wine and a 18 pack of beer every day now for a month straight and had been a bad drunk for 25 plus years now he is in his last stages I think but mayb u can tell me how long u think he may have? He is rich and lives out on a lake alone and is very Lonley I'm his only son and he just drinks hardcore every day and doesn't do anything anymore and won't go see his dr or anything he was in the hospital last year for 45 days and almost died there got out went a week clean and has been super drunk ever since I saw ur conversation with Randy and thought you could give me any ideas on what you think about how long I have with him I think it's a daily event and that he may die any time
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My name is brad and my dad is a severe alcohol he has had a box of wine and a 18 pack of beer every day now for a month straight and had been a bad drunk for 25 plus years now he is in his last stages I think but mayb u can tell me how long u think he may have? He is rich and lives out on a lake alone and is very Lonley I'm his only son and he just drinks hardcore every day and doesn't do anything anymore and won't go see his dr or anything he was in the hospital last year for 45 days and almost died there got out went a week clean and has been super drunk ever since I saw ur conversation with Randy and thought you could give me any ideas on what you think about how long I have with him I think it's a daily event and that he may die any time
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1475202 tn?1536270977
Congradulations to your whole family! Everyone of you have great news to tell. Misty and her engagement, Nick and the Marines, Tina and her husband so many things to be proud of along with the adoption of the boys. Of course Mark getting back on his feet for the first time in years. What a great family! To me its the ideal perfect family. If you all ever make a TV show maybe you could give a shout out to the Alcoholics at MedHelp! ha ha

I wish every one of you the very best and God bless you all!
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495284 tn?1333894042
Sounds like we better get our good clothes out as we have a wedding to attend!!!  lol  I will write more later.  Have to get some clothes on the line and head to work!!
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Good morning! Misty has been working a lot, but I talk to her daily. She has been having some health issues lately (female problems), and just learned that she probably won't ever be able to conceive. Of course, that was a big shock. At 23 years old, she assumed that when she was ready and prepared for a baby, it would happen. We have looked at some online adoption agencies, but that is so expensive! She will be heading back to college next month, so her days will be filled with studying and working for a while.
On a brighter note, she is now officially engaged! My future son-in-law is a great young man, and I am so happy for them both. We will be planning a beautiful NC beach wedding for next year. She was so worried that he would leave when they learned she can't have children of her own, but he showed her! He is male, so of course he can be stubborn and he has a rather large male ego. But overall, he is so good for her! :)
My son Nick is leaving Sunday for Marine boot camp. I'm happy and proud, but I sure will miss him! He will be gone for 13 weeks before he gets a break to come home.
I talked to Mark on the phone earlier this week. He is still sober and doing well. He still sounds very determined, and he seems so much happier now. Sobriety is still easy for him, and he credits the doctor's bluntness for that. "You drink, you die-No exceptions". He definitely doesn't want to die.
That's about all the news from here for now. I'm counting down the days until school starts. I have one going into 2nd grade and one starting kindergarten. Both are boys, and they fight constantly. It's been a long, hot summer! We finally finished paying our attorney, and our adoption should be finalized soon. We've had full custody of these boys (hubby's grandsons) since 2006, so I'll be so happy when we are their "legal" parents!
How are all our new friends here doing?
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