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11 month old with food allergy please need anwers

my little girls is 11 month old she is on neocate with rice ... she some of her history she had neonatal jaundice, she had suergy when 5 weeks old for malrotation of bowels they also done an appendectomy, she also has  laryngomalacia,and sever refulx and just here reclty she has been dinosed with asmtha  she has been to the hospital many time for dehydratin tried her on many differnt formula . the only one she can keep down is neocate with rice ... now that we are started food she seems to break out on everything we feed her also she gets very upset after she eats she will cry and scream  the only thing she seem to be able to eat is home made mash taters  and home canned greens bean with nothin added even on them if i feed it to her every day her bottom gets very blisterd. what can i do??? what can be causing this??? .... really need anwers
the med she is on is  prevacid, singuar, albuterol sulfate, bedesonide, c phen syrup......she always seem to have a cold
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I'm so sorry your baby girl is going through this. Are her doctors sure that she needs to be treated for acid reflux? She may be deficient in enzymes and not have enough stomach acid to digest the food. I would suggest giving her digestive enzymes, but these may be too harsh on her system right now. Fresh organic foods have natural enzymes that cooked and processed foods do not, so quality home-made foods are probably best for her for awhile.

Have you tried slippery elm flour? It is very nourishing and healing for the bowels and may help. It is usually tolerated when other food is not. (This is not something to keep her on, but for healing the digestive tract).
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ya they know she has severe acid refelx the don a ph prob on her in the hosital..... no i have not tried that... what is slippery elm flour????
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Slippery elm, sometimes called tree bark flour, coats the digestive tract and is anti-inflammatory. It can also absorb toxins and help remove them faster. I got some for my mom and it cured her diverticulitis. I used to give it to my dogs when they were sick too, and they recovered very quickly.
I buy it at Whole Foods. If you want to try it, I would suggest starting with half a teaspoonful in 4 or 5 oz. of warm water, 3 or 4 times a day.
It shouldn't cause any problem that I know of.
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thank you
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You're welcome. Please let me know if it helps.
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ok i will
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168348 tn?1379357075
Oh my .. your story sounds just like ours and the reflux was causing the asthma + the laryngospasms and nothing calmed down until we found the root allergin.

For one daughter it was cats
For my son it was the small am't of hypoallergenic caseine in his Alimentum formulla

Have your docs tested for EEO's allergic eosinophillic allergic esophagitis?

That would be my best guess as a non professional to see if this is allergy related and may need steroids, etc.

My son had a bowel resection at birth and suffered from an immature GI tract for 2.5yrs that finally he outgrew and was able to eat foods .. for 2 yrs all he ate were pears + formula.

I hope you get to read this post . I will message you, too.

How are things going now?

I just saw your post.

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