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big white spots on my forearm

I am allergic ti eggs milk cheese chocolate.I have always loved cheese and I eat big portions but when turned 14 (5'4 weight 115)I started to get 1 big white spots on each forearm(where the elbow is but on the opposite side )and they keep getting bigger and every time they expand the area gets pink/redish and bumby like an insect bite.please help know Ps:i doctor told me it might be skin asma but she didt prescribe anything.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Well, one sure way to tell if it is indeed the cheese causing this is to avoid it entirely for a week or so, if the spots clear up, then you know, if not, well, then back to the drawing board as they say.
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Hi I havenT eat cheese in a week and I tried some yesterday and It got worse so its defen the cheese but its huge now and it look horrible cause I am tan and the spots are really bad so recommend any cream or medicine? Thank you!!
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