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Food Allergies or something else?

I have an allergy to soy and I still eat soy oil and soy lecithin. I have been having chronic diarrhea, but there are days when I have no diarrhea. I have taken the soy oil and lecithin out of my diet some days and the following day still had diarrhea; I have also eaten soybean oil or lecithin some days and had no diarrhea. So does this mean my symptoms are probably not caused by food allergies. There are some days when I can be normal for a period of time and then suddenly I'll start getting loose/floating stools and then that will continue for a period. My blood tests showed negative for Celiac, but my blood tests did show I had 11% Eosinophilia.

Also sometimes I feel a little fatigued, and some days when I eat my stomach feels like it is always empty and still ready to be filled up.
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Two things-- if you are allergic to soy--stay away from it. Just because you go one day does not mean much it is still in your system. You have to stay away from it for at least 10-15 days to get it out of your system.

Second with 11% Eosinophilia has anyone looked at the possibly of eosinophilic esophagitis?


(I know it says for children but adults have also been diagnosed--case in point a friend of mine.)
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The diarrhea could be due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), malabsorbtion, inflammatory bowel diseases and various infections of the colon.  Blood tests will help detect infections, besides stool examination which will reveal fat malabsorbtion.  Colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy are procedures which are used to study the whole colon for infections and inflammations. Bacterial overgrowth is tested with a breath test. Please discuss these issues with your primary care physician when you happen to meet him.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Also just because the blood test is neg for Celiacs does not mean that you are intolerant of gluten. The blood test is not very sensitive. The best way to tell is to go off gluten for about 10-15 days and then chow on the gluten and see if there is difference in how you feel off and on the gluten.
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