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Food related anxiety

I am allergic to nuts (anaphylactic) and eggs, which means I have to worry about what's in a lot of things before I eat them. I double check whenever I'm out but every time I am reassured that there are no allergens, my body and mind are unconvinced.

I have found that lately, each time I try something new, my mind will begin racing with every bite, my lip will swell at the corner a little (not visibly noticeable to people I am with) and my throat will feel like it's closed a little, making it harder to swallow. There could be cross-contaminants of course but not for simple things like bread made in front of me or a fruit I've had before. As I eat more of it, most of the time, it goes away, whether it's quickly or slowly. I'm worried because these are symptoms that signal my real allergies, which is serious but also it constantly ruins a nice meal.

Just last night, I had a cocktail I have had multiple times. All that was in it was juice I drink everyday and garnishing I eat everyday and I ended up with a few symptoms of a bad food allergy including throat closure, hoarseness, vomiting multiple times and having a hard stomach.

My question is, has being in fear of somehow provoking my allergies, developed an anxiety around food? I love food and trying new things but this can really hinder this, is there any way to overcome it or get to the bottom of it?
3 Responses
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I recently saw on news--"Girl allergic to life", try to find it on web new.
She is in her 20's and lives in S.C. Her story of histamines, food, etc. will enlighten you, settle some of your fears--did for me. She can eat s/thing one day and have a problem--next day eat the same thing and no problem. Very informative-- your "not alone."
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Your fears are well justified.

My suggestion is to seek a NAET trained doctor or practitioner, to help you clear those allergies.
Just do an online search.

Best wishes!
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363281 tn?1643235611
I went through something similar once many years back. I was so afraid of food allergies, that no matter what I ate, my mind told me I would react, and I did. It was living in hell. Finally, one day, I just said the heck with it, continued eating what I knew I was not allergic too, and gradually, the fears subsided. It is a hard battle to fight though, the feelings are so real.

If you are still not convinced, then a visit to a well, qualified allergist might help to alleviate your fears.

Hope you are doing better.
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