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Could I be allergic to meat?

When I was a child I found out that I was allergic to red meat, I broke out in hives and my throat nearly swelled closed so needless to say I have never eaten it since then. I did, however, eat chicken,pork,and fish my whole life. Well, last year I started working out alot and I put myself on a strict diet low in fat. Most of the time I ate chicken and rice because I felt like pork and fish had too much fat. Everything was fine for about 8 months of this type of eating habit and I felt really healthy. Then, suddenly I developed asthma that I hadn't had since being a child and it never went away, that was 2 months ago. I stopped working out because I couldn't breathe well enough and my doc put me on some inhalers. The medicines had taken off the edge but there was always this underlying feeling that I just couldn't breathe as well as I had in the past.

I have been going through the process of cutting out certain foods to see if I may be allergic and nothing seemed to make a difference until I cut out meat about 4 days ago. I noticed a huge difference in my breathing. It's not perfect but a lot better. I am still eating fish though because I read that it may be beneficial for asthmatics. So that's my story but my question is that is it okay for me to suddenly stop eating pork and chicken when I have been my entire life? If I do need to stay away from it for allergy reasons what kinds of proteins are the best for me to eat at this point? I've been eating fish, tofu, beans but staying away from cheese because of the cows milk which I may be allergic to as well.
2 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
Eating too much of one thing can develope into a food sensitivity or even an allergy.  I discovered this with lettuce and spinach.  I can no longer eat salad.
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757137 tn?1347196453
You could be allergic to additives they put  in the meat, or additives they feed the animals. Buy organic meat only and see what happens. As to food allergies I got rid of all mine through kinesiology - a quick and sure fire-success, needless to say not supported by the allergists it would put out of business. Through kinesiology you can also check for allergic reactions to additives and be treated for those.
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