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Vaso Active Immunity Intolerance

For the past 12 years I have been suffering from uncontrolled allergies.  I have been to several medical professionals who have no clue.  I have had the blood testing and skin allergy testing with negative results.  I have even been to Mayo Clinic in Florida.  the best diagnosis I have been given is Vaso Active immunities intolerance, which basically means I cannot eat anything.. no beef, no pork, nothing canned, no salad dressing or anything process.  I have followed this diet for the past 5 years and my symptoms are getting worse.  i now wheeze at night when I exhale during sleep.
I have been diagnosed now with asthma and I do use an inhaler now for the wheezing but nothing helps.  The issue is I only wheeze when I am having an "allergy attack".  I have also just been diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse.  This seems to all be related and getting worse.
My attacks of severe nasal drip, water itching and weeping lasts approx 24 hours and then will go away for 3-4 days and then returns again in full force.
I am at my wits end...we have added water filters in our home, change our mattress, removed all carpet from our home, removed animals, no processed shampoos, soaps or deodorants, no make up.  HELP
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Allergic reactions could sometimes be due to Environmental triggers. Environmental triggers for allergic reactions like changes in weather, temperature and water sources are difficult to avoid, but being aware can help you take adequate precautions. If you are aware of the triggers please avoid them or take anti-histamines. If the present antihistamines are not very effective you can consult your doctor for long acting ones.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thank you for your reply.  I had one physician put me through the enviromental triggers diagnosis.  The trial showed no triggers to enviroment other than the normal face flush when outside and hot.
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757137 tn?1347196453
There is something you have not tried and it is a method that is commonly used in Europe. It is known as kinesiology and is related to Chinese medicine in that it deals with removing blockages. Kinesiology rid me of my many food allergies (also flower allergies, etc.) about 20 years ago. The process was simple and very quick. The allergies have not returned. It certainly beats the relatively ineffective, old-fashioned system practiced by traditional allergists.

Don't take my word for the above. Do some research to check it out. Those leading the field at this point in time are New Zealanders. And, by the way, there are not drugs involved - not even supplements.
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