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all kinds food allergies

hey, we found out on  my grandbaby BD she's allergery to vanilla,egg because as soon as she touched the frosting  with her hand she got very irratable with hives, which she's has esczema since she was 4months.  we took her to the dr and they did scratch test. allergy to: eggs,vanilla,apple,milk,soy,corn,pears its all new to us and we're having a  hard time finding out what to feed her. we're going to buy a book to help us out.   what can you use for eggs to make pancakes. i would appreciate  any info.
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There are alot of recipes out there for eggless and milk free pancakes. Try this site.

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168348 tn?1379357075
I'm sorry to hear of your GD's allergies, but I'm so glad you have an answer bcz at this younger age sometimes the tests are not 100% accurate due to limited exposure to the allergin .. now that you know we are here to help you and anytime you have a ? let us know!


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479581 tn?1317757488
"The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network"  has lots of information, most of it aimed towards kids.  I just checked (it's the dot org site) and they have cookbooks as well as recipes.

BTW...I'm allergic to soy and have problems both with food and topical.  Soy is in lots of shampoos (not sure about baby shampoos), lotions, soaps, ink etc.  I can always tell when I'm using something I shouldn't because it makes me itch like crazy...then I get a rash.  Most people are OK with lethicin (in chocolate, ice cream) and oil (wesson is soybean oil) but it gives me mouth sores.

Good luck, I know how frustrated I feel as an adult.  Lots of people will share with you.

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Thank You so much for your info.  It's been crazy, I don't know if I told you but we found out on her 1st Birthday. She's now 15 months and she something else. But she has a bad temper, gets moody.  I've read somewhere sometimes this goes with food allergies for babies, is this true?  This weekend something happen when she was outside and a friend had horse over and we're wondering if it was the horse cuz she did touch it.    What age can they do more scratch test on her?  We're going to take her Tampa to see a Dr. It's just so frustrated and we do think lot of hers might be topical. Again thank you!
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