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dextrose allergy? french bread incident

anyone had an  allergy involving bread ? i don't know if you did some critical thinking of your own.  but in my case, before this incident, i had eaten different bread but i had consistently checked the ingredients to weed out questionable ingredients like unspecified sugar and other baddies that might be gmo. and i haven't had problem till this time.

from my casual research, it seemed dupont might've been selling it.  and seemed dextrose could be gmo corn.  holy sheet!  that would explain my allergy. i haven't had allergy with a lot of organic food. my cases of allergies involved processed food, non-organics.

well this is sneaky cuz you never guess a name like dextrose is gmo corn.  gmos much easier to spot when it's named like corn syrup, soy, sugar etc.

upon suspected exposure, i got a mild fever/brain fog for no damn reason. and then slept for 12 hours, and felt better second day but still with trace effect.

this gmo stuff is evil.  the fact i don't get sick with natural organics and have reaction to this artifical craap is telltale of something bad.

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Hi, dextrose powder may contain corn toxins. But if the end product is purified, it may not contain much of corn proteins and could be safe to consume. Regards.
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