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husband intolerance to alcohol changing significately

My husband weighs 325lbs and over the last year I have notice that he gets really intoxicated drinking the same as always. I weigh 145lbs not a huge drinker but can tolerate it better than him... Could there be an underlining medical issue doing this to him ?
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Hello there,

Bottom line. Excessive drinking is very harmful to your body. Too much drinking of alcohol can lead to chirrosis ( not sure if this is the correct
spelling ) of the liver which is life threatening.  If you husband weighs that much he should not be drinking any alcohol. He probably won't want to hear this but it is true. You should not be drinking alcohol either. It doesn't matter if you tolerate it better than him. There are so many more things you can enjoy than alcoholic drinks and may I add, cheaper. Give up alcohol all together. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in years by choice, not so much as a beer.  Save your liver, don't drink alcohol.   I wish you both well.  Eve
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Well, I've heard that alochol contains histamine, so the result could be a histamine intolerance. He should write his symptoms down and see an allergist. Probably he's going to test him with an common blood test, but anyway.
Or he avoids alcohol at all ;)
If not and it's really a histamine intolerance, he can try daosin
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