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Hi all, hope I am in the right section. Within the past 5 yrs I have developed allergies to all sorts of foods. It started with berries. I have been tested and told the only thing I can do is to stay away from these foods. Reciently in the past few years, my reactions have also happened with chapstick, alcohol, and ALL fruits except for apples and oranges. I have swelling in my upper lip, swollen glands, and a headache like you wouldn't believe. All they can give me is prednisone and hydroxizine, and tell me to stay away from these foods.  Every time my lip swells, I feel like I can't leave the house as everyone is amazed at the size of my lip. The swelling gradually gets worse for about 3 nights in a row before symptoms start to subside.
Any input would be really appreciated as I have never heard of anyone being allergic to so much and am at my wits end.

Distressed in Ontario
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Hi, you should be seeing an allergist to narrow your allergies down so that you know exactly what to avoid.  

It sounds like you have taken quite a bit of pred over the last few years.  An allergist will be able to help you reduce your pred use.  Pred is something you want to use as little as possible.

I have definitely heard of people being allergic to more, but either way with food allergies life is difficult.  

Keep us posted.
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Thank you for your response but like I said, that is the whole problem. I have seen an allergist twice now and I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. They have told me exactly what to avoid and the list just gets larger and larger.

I know pred should be used as little as possible, however, if I don't use it the swelling and headache will last for over a week.

I think I wrote in hoping to hear that it was more common than I think. I seem to be more upset in the summer as I tend to avoid eating out at all which can be really difficult, BBQ, restrauants, traveling, friends.

I have no idea where to go from here and I just wish someone could point me in the right direction.
There has to be a reason why my body is starting to react like this. I know allergies can develop and I have heard children can grow out of them but can adults????????

Thank you for listening, and all of your responses
Distressed in Ontario
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168348 tn?1379357075

Maybe your allergist will let you do an elimination diet and then slowly reintroduce foods one at a time .. sometimes taking it all away at the same time gives your body a rest.

My other thougth is OAS or oral allergy syndrome .. the fruits can cause this.  If you have fruit allergies, did they test for latex?

I hope you feel better soon .. wish I could help more.

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