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shrimp allergy

I was good today by my allergist my blood work shows I'm very allergic to shrimps.  Does anyone know what in the shrimps causes the allergic reaction?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The body causes an allergic reaction by the production of antibodies to the shellfish protein (allergen). There are several types of shellfish, and each kind contains different allergy-causing proteins. Some people are allergic to only one type of shellfish, but can eat others. However, some people with a shellfish allergy must avoid all shellfish.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Also be sure to avoid iodine. I know someone who is allergic to shrimp and she did not tell her surgeon and used iodine on her skin for the prep and she swelled up and broke out  into a rash. Needless to say surgery was postponed and she got an earful from her doctor about not telling him she was allergic to shrimp.
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I  do not know about iodized salt as we need that, and I think that is a total different king of iodine that doctor's use to sterilize the skin-- which is the iodine  you need to avoid.
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Shellfish allergies tend to show up later in life.
I would be willing to bet you are also  allergic to lobster, clams ect.
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