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Wrong diagnosis?

Posted something similar in neurology. Essentially I am / was an epileptic with symptoms controlled for about a dozen years. Over the last say 18 months or symptoms similar to petit mal absences but not like I used to have, returned often connected with food - any!  I will lose the thread of a conversation or what I was reading and take a minute or two to reboot. According to my journal they occur about 15 times per month, sometime in clusters usually during the day rather than night.

Despite upping the meds there has been no change, a brain scan and regular blood and BP tests reveal nothing. If anything they have increased with the 'dizziness / flush' becoming such that recently I have begun zoning out completely for a few mins and once or twice had to lie down. I am in otherwise fine condition, eat no meat and have reduced alcohol, spices and dairy to boringly virtuous levels - ie, barely any but still the minute or two 'flush' comes. Any ideas? The docs don't seem to...
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Hi, an EEG can help ***** the seizures. Also, blood levels of the medications can help to monitor or stabilize the dosage. It could also indicate if additional medications are needed. Regards.
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Hi -- thanks for that =, yep, done EEGs (nothing showed), scan (again nothing), liver function, and blood several times...I have also altered my eating and increased the Tegretol by 200 mg, really at a loss. See the Doc again next week...he has suggested changing meds but I think he too is at a loss. Thanks anyway for taking the time to post.
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