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43 yr old sudden immune problems

I am 43 years old and about ten years ago started breaking out and gradually became allergic to certain foods and ALL alcohol. The last three years I have been on low dose accutane, although my derm wanted me to do a much higher dose, my body just couldn't take it so I do my own dosage of 20 mgs per week. I try to prolong it as long as I can. Now, on top of this I also take antihistamines for my allergies. I am basically dried up. My skin, which was once VERY soft and pretty is now tight and itchy, obviously from all of the dehydrating drugs. I have a great relationship with clean food and only imbibe on the weekends, though nothing crazy (i.e fast food). I don't drink flavoured sodas, eat junk or over drink (yes, I still drink). I am currently taking liquid vitamin D3. About 5000 IUs a day hoping that maybe this is the reason for all the "body wars" inside. I was tested and had a low, but not detrimental, number count on my vitamin D score. Is there a supplement I can take that will help with all this dryness? I can't bathe in creams any longer. They don't work, most stink and I wanna to work from the inside. Any suggestions?
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757137 tn?1347196453
I can think of a possible problem. Could you be suffering an overgrowth of candida? That would make for tight, dry, itchy skin. It would also encourage allergies..
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I could see where you came up with that but I don't *think* that is much of a problem for me at the moment. Ive been on and off low doses of antibiotics over the years, though I don't like them and try to avoid them. Then I did a "cleanse" a few months ago and did the load up of probiotics. I've never really been a very *yeasty* person. Ah, there's a positive. :O)

I know the dryness comes from these two pills. I just need a remedy for the dryness until I can figure out what the heck is going on inside me. Gymdandee gave me a pretty good description/prescription to try.

Thank you though! ANY suggestions are freakin' welcome at this point.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

We can develop allergies to different things throughout our lifetimes as the allergy develops in response to a repeated stimulus.  If you haven't undergone formal allergy testing, that might be beneficial.  Under a doctor's supervision, foods that have caused allergies in the past can sometimes be added slowly back into the diet.

To prevent drying avoid frequent showers, over exposure to cold environment and use a humidifier in the rooms to avoid dryness. Also, vegetable oils can substitute as good moisturizers.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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