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5 Yrs Old Severe Itching all day especially at night

My son has had a severe itching problem for about 5 years now.  It tends to come and go, with episodes in summer, fall, and spring getting worse.  He usually has small scabs from itching so much, his face and arms are covered with them.  He itches in between his toes, fingers, head and legs.  He has severe sleep problems because the itching is so bad.  No doctors can seem to give a sufficient answer - we've been told food allergies.
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Has he actually been tested for food allergies, so you know what to stay away from?

Do you have him on any kind of antihistamine?

Since his episodes come and go he should also be tested for weed, tree, and grass pollens.

It wouldn't hurt to have him see a dermatologist to rule out any other underlying skin problem.
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483733 tn?1326798446
I take a 24 hour allergy pill each morning and by the time I go to bed at night I am too itchy to sleep so end up taking a benadryl.  I have allergies to dust, mold, trees, grass, ragweed, etc. and know I do have some food allergies that I hope to uncover soon.  The one I have found is shellfish which makes me oh so itchy beyond what I normally am.  I did do a diet that a Naturopath put me on to eliminate yeast from my body (no dairy, sugars, yeast, wheat, gluten) and I did feel better.  I need to do an elimination diet again.  You might want to try that with your son and perhaps give a Naturopath a try.
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168348 tn?1379357075
I agree with all the PP's (previous posters)...the Benadryl at night is a big help for breakthru anthistimine properties which don't always last the full 24hrs. See if your Dr agrees, too ?

Have they tried Singulair for seasonal allergies?  The sometimes works well, too.

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My son has severe allergies and asthma and exema. He has had these since he was born. Have you tried finding a pure skin lotion to lather him with at night? My son also has a rare skin condition that causes his skin to be unable to retain its own moisture and therefore is painfully itchy. I cant spell or pronounce the condition  but it starts wit an 'm'
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He has been taking Zyrtec (Cetirizine) 5ml twice a day (5ml in the morning and 5ml in the Evening) but still it does not help. Also he takes 10ml of Atarax Syrup at night before going to bed, His itching is so severe and it really bothers him all night; he goes to bed around 4 or 5 in the morning sometimes at 6:00 AM and of course misses school. I just need a Really Good Doctor who can diagnose him correctly.
Can I try Benadryl. Is it better than Zyrtec
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168348 tn?1379357075
I believe that Benadryl is contradicted for long-term usage in children.  I recall my allergist stating that some studies show decrease in school and learning bcz of the drowsiness.

Perhaps his doc will switch to Clariten on a trial and add Singulair to the mix to see if maybe that helps ????  Cannot hurt if it's this bad if the Doc agrees a trial. ???

I'm not familiar with Atarax ... really crazy ? here ... does he itch w/o these meds and/or did the intro of one or the other increase it ?  In other words .. defintely sure he isn't allergic to the meds themselves?  Just a thought.

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Consult your doctor before attempting to try the Benadryl. You definitely don't want to add it to the Atarax and Zyrtec.

ChitChat brings up an excellent point about the meds. A person can definitely be allergic to antihistamines.
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