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Alcohol intolerance - I want to drink, but I can't.


So my question is...why can't I drink alcohol without gagging at even the slightest smell or sip? I'm not a drinker but I want to be, that may sound silly but I would like to atleast in my life be able to socially drink a wine glass or two with friends or family but at the moment I am terrible. After only drinking a sip of red wine I feel the blood rush to my face and my whole body quiver. I'm pretty sure that this isnt normal and I just hate it...I don't smoke/drink or do anything to my body, I drink plenty of water and I'm a good boy hehe.

I'm going into the banking field and I just want to be able to drink with clients or anyone but the thought of going into a bar or club and not being able to drink just irks me and other people because I can't do the same thing. My grandfather and father are the same they can't drink at all but I was wondering whether there is some sort of tip or anything out there that can help me get better at it because it does suck, it does suck to not be able to enjoy something people enjoy and besides red wine has it's benefits (not too much of course).

tl;dr, I want to be able to socially drink without having the thought or feeling of puking and weird warm sharp feelings around my body.
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It sounds to me based on what you've said that you may be allergic to
alcohol. You say your father and your grandfather can't drink at all.
It sounds like this runs in your family. Red wine is difficult to tolerate for
a lot of people. I can't drink red wine because it gives me a headache.
It's the tannin in the red wine. I found this out a long time ago.
You say you are going into the banking field. If you want to you could say
that you are allergic to alcohol. A lot of people are. Myself I choose not
to drink alcohol. I haven't had any wine or beer in literally years.
When I'm out with friends I usually drink Perrier carbonated spring water with a wedge of lemon or lime.  It's very refreshing and has a lot less calories
than alcohol.  You can still go out for a social drink, just don't drink alcohol
as you are obviously allergic to it and you can be the designated driver.
I don't drink alcohol because it also upsets my stomach and usually gives me
a headache. I feel so much better having given up alcohol. Don't miss it at all. I used to have the occasional social drink and you'll save yourself a
fortune by not buying alcohol whether that's beer or wine.  My husband
doesn't drink either and hasn't for years.  So have a club soda with clients
with a wedge of lime or lemon and you're golden.  Cheers.  Eve
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hmmm maybe you get sick of the histamine within the beer or whatever you drink. You can go and ask your allergist if you can take Daosin. It is a dietary supplement which controls your histamine level and avoids an allergic reaction. Maybe you are able to take it ;)

take care
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