909168 tn?1242666182

Allergic to dairy,wheat,barley,oats,yeast,cocoa,caffeine,msg, alcohol and sunflower oil

Hi I am allergic to loads of foods and my diet has been hugely compromised. I am now refind to a very small selection of foods, I was wondering if there is anyone else with simialr allergies, and what they usually have for meals. My biggest problem is breakfast, lunch and ofcourse deserts! Dinner is ok as i can have some vegtables and meat. But for the rest of the day, fruit seems to be my one and only option[minus the citrus ones]. Dont get me wrong i love fruit, but when its the only thing you are refind to, it loses its charm.
Anyhow, any advice is greatly welcomed. If you read my bio on my page, you can get an idea of my medical history.
3 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hello, hoping others will jump in if they have any advice .. you could also post on the crohn's or IBS communities as many there may have allergies too or restricted diets?  Maybe post a journal ?

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918441 tn?1243403649
If you go to http://www.cookingallergyfree.com/  You can start an account thats free and put in your allergies and search through recipes that do not contain your allergies. I have 12 food allergies so its been a real help.

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909168 tn?1242666182
thanks chitchat i will certainly give that a go, i am trying to source all my options.
to passionturtle, thank you so much for that link, its exactly the sort of thing i have been looking for!! i will go check it now!!

kind regards to you both,
Simon M.
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