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Allergy to mint gum

I have exercise induced asthma but it doesn't really affect me since i do a lot of sports but recently i have been having shortness of breath and a closed throat feeling. It happens every time i eat any type of mint gum but only when i first start chewing it. I think its like that first burst of juiciness that makes my throat act funny because after the first minute or so the feeling goes away. I don't know if im allergic to mint since i brush my teeth with mint toothpaste and nothing happens then. I don't want to go to the doctor and have him think im crazy. So, does anyone know why this happens? and should i see a doctor to find out? does it have anything to do with my asthma? thanks!
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4548110 tn?1362307394
In such a situation, don't be embarrassed to see your doctor as this could be serious, as you said you get a "closed throat feeling." It might not be the mint, but something else that might be in the gum. Mint gum is consisted of different things than the toothpaste.
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I think you need to consult to the doctors may it happens because of allergy, so don't take it carelessly.
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I also was recently diagnosed with sports induced asthma and have also found that it was harder to breathe when I eat mint flavored things. Have yet to try fresh mint since this has started. I had been having trouble with my toothpaste so I had to get an anise flavored one. I was wondering if it was just the artificial mint flavor that bothered me, but I just had a mint cookie (made with peppermint extract) and I am finding it hard to breathe. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with this problem. I never had these symptoms until my asthma started up, only a few months ago, so I am also wondering if these are related.
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363281 tn?1714899967
First, do not be embarrassed about seeing a doctor about ANY allergy or suspicion of such, this is YOUR health and you have a right to know. As to the symptoms, well, it may not be the mint, but, the additives that give the gum the mint flavor, most of the flavors in gum are artificial and you could be allergic to those.
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