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Suddenly allergic to peanuts?

Hi everyone. I am a 29 year old mom to a 3 year old and here lately I believe I have developed a mild allergic reaction to peanuts. Let me start by saying, I have eaten nuts my whole life, never had a problem until now. Here are my symptoms: throat burns (even at the smell), mouth will feel raw as if I've been chewing hard plastic (especially the roof of my mouth), skin itches a little(no visible hives/rash), and right below my mouth in the "square" of my chin it gets red and feels chafed after I ingest peanuts, then my chin gets flaky like dry skin, but again no itching there. After about an hour after exposure, I'm ok, except for the chafed chin area. My husband fixed my daughter a peanut butter sandwich, (her favorite  while I was across the house and immediately when I smelt it, my thrat was burning and now it feels like I've swallowed a cup of salt w/o water. I asked him why he fixed her that "type" of sandwich knowing I'm having issues with peanuts lately and he looked at me like I was crazy and said,"nobody is THAT allergic to peanuts." But I swear my throat is on fire and I was fine until the "wiff" of peanut butter hit me. So my question is, does it sound like an allergic reaction and can someone actually have a reaction just from the smell alone?
2 Responses
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1805047 tn?1341760506
Try switching to organic nuts and other organic foods. This way you will know if it is an allergy or gmo's "genetic modified organism" It may look like a nut taste like a nut but its not a nut. They are modifying our foods making us allergic to foods we have been eating all our lives. Now we can't eat them anymore. But if we eat them in
organic we do not have the same reaction. So try switching to organic! And stay away from soy.
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2136147 tn?1336405833
It is possible to gain an allergy that you haven't had before. I myself had gone through this with coconut. Growing up I had zero problems with the stuff, then about two years ago I was eating an ice cream that had coconut in it. It had been a long while since,I have had the stuff but in a matter of three bites my throat was nearly swollen shut. The only thing I could think of it being was the coconut as I have zero problems with chocolate or walnuts. It took drinking a lot of freezing cold water to be able to breathe again. Few days later I try something else with coconut and sure enough it happened again. After a nice observation it was verified I was allergic to coconut which ***** because I love gummy bears and nearly all of them are made with coconut oil. Save for poison ivy, I've never been allergic to anything in my life and found it absolutely crazy that allergies could happen just like that!
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