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Facial swelling

My face is swollen everyday, the swelling never completey goes away it either swells up alot or goes down abit. Some things i eat i have noticed makes it worse like cheese and flour but i avoid them
Things and it still swells up. Ive been going to the docter for over an year now and he has put me on various antihistamines and various doses but they dont work at all have no effect, he even put me on transenamox acid and that didn work either. Can anyone please help me? Ive tried a elimination diet and cant pinpoint whats causing it. Its just swollen all the time everyday my face looks deformed.
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Hello Peterock1990,

It sounds like its time for a specialist. Ask your doctor if he or she can
give you a referral to an allergist. Perhaps that may help. Eve
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Have you had actual allergy testing? If not, I agree...time to see an allergist. A food elimination test is so hard because it can take weeks if not months for that food to get completely out of your system. And if you eliminate more than one at a time, you never know what helped and what didn't.

If you have had actual testing, what were the results?

Good luck!

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