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joint pain

Can food allergies cause muscle or joint pain?
7 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Yes, sometimes it can.  It usually is a delayed response from what I understand and not too common.  One of my children would get that same reaction.  If it causes arthritis it would be a reactive arthritis.  

Sorry you are going through this right now.

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I have just found out I can not digest corn syrup which is in nearly every food or candy item, even baby food. Not only can the LIVER not digest it, but it attackes the body. Some worse than others. Even if you don't have the full effecs like me(unable to have bowel movements double over in agony, etc), corn syrup still invades our cell, immune system, nerves, causes kidney& liver damage, etc...
Corn syrup is made from 3 banned chemicals the worse one being Mercury toxins(2nd worlds worse chemical, very deadly, but FDA &   gov't allow it, eek)...
So yes to your answer....
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168348 tn?1379357075
Corn syrup is in so many things .. wow.
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HFCS not just corn syrup, is what I can not have. But Mercury is in more than just Fish/salmon, it is in many food products.
My dietician put me on a flourless bread & I got worse in order to avoid wheat. Wheat is in candies too!!!! I was passing out, no BMs, tired etc....
Ive gone back to using wheat based foods, i've had a couple BM but still feeling blocked, not passing out but tired alot. I still don't feel the greatest. Oh i'm also Mild Lactose Intolerance too, oh great!!!! lol....Any ideas out there.....
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Some foods can cause muscle and joint pains.  This is very individualistic, so you would need to keep a food diary of what you consume and jot down how you feel a day or a few days later to find out the culprit food.

I do suffer for osteoarthritis, but have found over the years that when I eat fresh cream, drink cider and red wine my arthritic joints are more painful.

Some people find that eating citrus foods makes their arthritic joints hurt more.

If you suffer from Gout, which is a form of arthritis, then eating high purine foods can made aggravate the condition more, giving symptoms of swollen, red and painful joints.

Certain foods can cause inflammation and bloating in the belly.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Here's a link to MedHelp's food diary:
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Alternatively, your physician might be able to recommend other treatments, possibly including injections into the joint itself or surgery, that can improve your joint pain.
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