623944 tn?1244035490

MSG Intolerance

Long story short, I've been trying to figure out a skin issue involving severe itch, hives/rash for a few weeks now. Last night for dinner I made beef stroganoff and in under 2 hours, started sneezing, had a runny nose and major itch. I've been keeping a journal of symptoms, foods, meds for 2 weeks to figure it out. The only common is food with MSG. The instant bullion I use as a base for stroganoff has 5 DIFFERENT types of MSG!

Here's a snippet on what I found:
A copy/paste from msgtruth.org
"Consider: If the presence of glutamate triggers a more severe histamine response than otherwise would be suffered by the unwitting allergic victim, perhaps MSG did not kill the victim directly, but was actually an accomplice. Perhaps the individual would have survived had MSG not also been in the offending food.

One has to conclude that if MSG exacerbates an already-occurring allergic reaction, then it would appear to be an extremely dangerous unnecessary food additive to place in restaurant meal."

If I'm intolerant of certain foods, which is rather possible considering my history of being allergic to many things, this excess of processed glutamate is triggering a sever histamine response, which is what is causing me to have asthma like SOB, sneezing, runny nose, and intense itching, from my neck to my ankles.
In essence, taking the intolerance and "turning" it into an allergic reaction.

Just thought I'd share for those of you who can't figure out your food triggers!
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Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

Do you carry an epi-pen with you for precautionary measures?

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623944 tn?1244035490
No, I don't. I just figured it out yesterday. I'm in the proccess of planing a 2 week MSG avoidance diet to see what happens. If it turns out to be the case, I will then go to my doctor with my journal and evidence and go from there.
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