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Please help me with this


I am trying to make sense of some symptoms I had, and I think that they either relate to food I ate or a drug I took. A couple of weeks ago, I took some Theraflu, hot, lemon flavored in a packet form. About 20 minutes later, I had a beer, and shortly thereafter I ate some Chinese Food.

Shortly after eating my dinner, I came home and laid down. Suddenly, I started feeling a shortness of breath, and some difficulty breathing.  This was followed by a numb or swollen sensation in my tongue, and my face felt weird, particularly around my jaw (not on my neck). The wierdness could be best described as a numb sensation, the same feeling you get when a dentist injects your jaw a freezing mechanism. My eyes also started to water and I mucous came from my nose. Perhaps a slight sore throat, did not feel feverish.

After a few hours, the breathing became normalized and feeling came back to my face, and tongue. The next day my eyes were very red and people at work said my eyes looked "puffed" out.  Total symptoms subsided after a day or two.

Anyways, I have take Theraflu in the past and don't recall this reaction, nor have I ever had this reaction to CHinese food, particularly the dish I ate, which I had eaten in the past without a reaction.

This scares me, so your help is appreciated.
3 Responses
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You suffered anaphalaxix which can kill you.
Make sure you go to an Allergist.
It could be MSG in the chinese food.
The next bout of an allergic reaction will be worse than the last so please see your Doc.
I now carry an Epi-Pen because of Hives and Anapahalaxix.
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It could be that there was a change in the ingredients of your chinese food. It may or may not have been anaphylaxis. If this was an isolated incident, I don't know that I would be too scared. If this were to happen again, go to the ER (if you are able) and get some tests done. You may have an adult onset allergy, which isn't uncommon.
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363281 tn?1714899967
It sounds like you had an anaphylactic shock reaction and that can kill you, you are lucky you pulled through it without any more serious consequences.

I would let your doctor (preferably an allergist) know about this. I am willing to bet it was the MSG, it can cause this to happen to a lot of folks. He should run some allergy tests (food allergy) and see just what you are allergic to.

It is my understanding that if you have another one of these episodes, it can be far worse than the previous one, so please, get this checked as soon as possible.
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