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MSG How long does it take for monosodium glutamate to leave the body?

I've always had trouble eating food with MSG.

How long does it take for monosodium glutamate to leave the body? half-life?

Also, how long does it take for the effects usually to wear off?

Any experiences, thank you.
1 Responses
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363281 tn?1643235611
Hello~you should seek medical attention immediately if your symptoms persist for more than 48 hours.

Step 1

Drink, in ounces, at least half of your body weight in pounds of water over the course of the day. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs. you should drink at least 100 oz. of water throughout the day. Increasing your water consumption will stimulate your kidneys to process the MSG and flush it from your body.

Step 2

Limit sodium intake as much as possible until any symptoms go away. Sodium encourages water retention, which will prevent the MSG from being quickly and efficiently flushed out of your body. Frozen dinners, processed meats, salty snacks and dressings are examples of high-sodium foods that need to be avoided during this time.

Step 3

Do not drink anything except water until your symptoms resolve themselves. Water is more effective at removing MSG from your body than any other beverage. Additionally, many other beverages contain sodium, including soft drinks, sports drinks and vegetable juices.
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