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butter makes me smell

uuh so i think im allergic to butter mainly and if i consume too much dairy like i get this weird oder eminating it seem like every orophus of my body like i know im not farting and usually it will go away if i take a shower but that makes me worry that all food makes me smell bad but i just cant smell it so is there like medicine i can take for this like i dont want to go to a doctor and pay $30 for something they cant do ne thing about...i mean i dont really drink milk or eat a lot of butter but i eat yougurt on a pretty regular basis but no food ever gives me digestational issuses so like whats my problem
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Smelly burping can be due to viral infections or due to food intolerance like lactose. It could also be due to food staying for longer time in the stomach like gastroparesis or due to an infection with giardiasis. So, if your symptoms persist, consult your doctor to rule out an infection.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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well i dont think its any of those because ive noticed it for years so i just quit eating butter for the most part and i just have been eating it again on occaison but i remeber like just the fumes of melted butter makes me smell too if i melt over a stick of butter to make rice crispies or fresh caremel
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