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Food allergies

I'm 32yrs of age and for the last past year & a half I have lost a lot of weight but drs dnt seem concerned. Unable to eat because I always have these flu like symptoms,  major migranes, and joint pains, nausea,  vomiting and dyhradation many ER visits. So I dedcided to look into what I ate and noticed that dairy, seafood, beef, caffeine,  chocolate any sugar. These things made my stomach cramp, constipation, migranes, fatigue, dizzy, cold like symptoms,  itching. Yet I had been having these symptoms for many years they said I had IBS. I don't go to the bathroom for many weeks I tried many laxatives my only justice is a sopository. Has anybody had difficulties getting this issue solved like me I'm tired of getting bounced around from specalist to specialist. When clear as day a person doesn't just drop weight & continues to loose for no reason.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
It sounds like an absorptive problem. My absorptive problem is due to Celiac disease, so I can't eat certain glutens such as from wheat, rye, etc.  Also nuts give my migraines and my digestion can't handle dairy.  

Get tested for Celiac disease.  
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I think babies,toddlers need breast milk.  Am not sure humans of any age need milk from other animals.  Even though on occasion we use organic milk for when we make yogurt etc.
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5025679 tn?1363541501
Do you eat things high in fiber? I noticed I need to be doing this. So now I do but I also noticed that before I have a bowel movement I get a HORRIBLE cramp like pain in my lower abdomen that stops me dead in my tracks and sometimes makes me panic. It subsides after 10 seconds and I am trying to get to the bathroom as fast as possible. I have a normal BM but the pain beforehand is crazy. I HATE IT! I wonder if this is due to the higher fiber?
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