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Food intolerance

I am female and was 19 two weeks agao. Earlier this year my doctor noticed i had a heart murmur which is yet to be assessed by a cardiologist.  I had been experiencing what he believes to be vasovagal attacks where i lose my sense of balance, go completely blind and deaf, get cold sweats and shakes before collapsing. I don't have any known allergies but have developed an intolerance to nuts. I had been fine stuffing my face with them for years but now i can't eat a single nut or anything made with them without severe projectile vommiting and cramping. I often have unexplained diarrhea and nausea which is not fun however, this is getting worse. Last week i had a plain waffle and later i experienced severe abdominal cramping, an overwhelming need to vommit,cold sweats, shivers, dizzyness and then everything started spinning and i kept falling to the left. I fell over in the drive way and i had severe cramping and diarrhea for 2 days and felt weak. This was different to the supposed vasovagal attacks yet this is the first time i have been so bad with food. I felt like i had been poisoned and was dying ! I have eaten waffles earlier in the year and been fine and the rest of my family were fine with this one. I was wondering if i could have become intolerrant to something in the waffle ? I don't have problem with pizza, bread or milk. I have lost a stone in the last few weeks. I don't have gas problems.  
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140029 tn?1393298142
well there's a few things you can do (first welcome to the club..)

one if you have insurance from your parents you could go to an allergist and get a skin p r i c k test.  Basically you lie on your stomach shirt off and they poke you like 36 times (it's not bad..) and then they rub a small about of whatever chemical..oats..tree...nuts whatever and if that point swells up..you are potentially allergic to it.

Your reactions sounds very severe...but part of it is a lot like mine.  I thought I was gluten intolerant, and I AM..so my parents were trying to help me out and bought me some gluten free waffles.  About 1/2 hour later I felt like going to the ER room with severe nausea/chills/Digestive issues the whole bit.  I looked at the ingredients and the only thing I could figure that could be it was the soy they put in it.  About 2 weeks later I got soy milk just to test it out...wow that was...not fun for 4 days pure h e l l.

Anyway so that's option 1...or what you could do is find the packaging to those waffles and list every ingredient and avoid those from now on until you try one at a time..like..eat something with guar gum in it or.. try and eliminate what it is.

So there's a very good chance you are either gluten intolerant or something in those waffles you're allergic to.  So either do both options or start a diet avoiding gluten and see if it is a problem.  Also you could be fructose intolerant..for example the maple syrup ..some kinds has high fructose corn syrup for example so it might not have been the waffles...but I highly suspect it was.

Anyway good luck..it's all about being a detective but I'd go gluten free asap until you figure it out (maybe get a blood test for celiac as well..)

Good luck!
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681148 tn?1437661591
When you go gluten free, don't forget to go gluten free with your personal care products--your toiletry products.  Read the ingredients in your shampoos and conditioners, your facial care products and everything else.  Often times these products do have gluten ingredients in them.
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