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Can anyone give me some good brands for gluten-free food?

I love Gluten-o, and Katherine's, as well as Annies. I shop at Good Harvest and Health Hut, as well as Gluten Free Frenzy, if that helps.

I have a gluten intollerance, and I am trying to cut it out as much as possible. Mostly bread and pasta brands would be appriciated. Also, if you know of main brands (Betty Crocker, Chex, ect) that are gluten-free, could you recommend some?

Thank you sooooo much!
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681148 tn?1437661591
Trader Joe's carries their own label on rice cakes, rice tortillas and rice pasta.  The rice pasta is really good.  They also carry the Lundgren brand of rice cakes for less money than other places that carry the brand.  Udi's is a brand of gluten free baked goods you may find pretty good.  Canyon Bake House makes a terrific gluten free rosemary focaccia bread that is actually soft and not crumbly.
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