17568 tn?1424973559


For many years, you have have selflessly given your love and support  to millions of people who have visited MedHelp.  Your devotion to helping others is an inspiration to all of us!  I want to personally thank you for personifying the vision that Phil Garfinkel and I had when we began MedHelp so long ago.  Words cannot adequately express how much I appreciate all you have done.

I hope everyone will join me in thanking you for years of dedication to MedHelp Communities and in wishing  you happiness and good health.

Cindy Thompson
Co-Founder, MedHelp

3 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
THANK YOU CINDY and all MY FRIENDS for your kind posts. Wow .. it's always an honor to help give support to those around me.  Thanks Dee1956 and Sassie for your kind comments.  
Helpful - 1
363281 tn?1714899967
I have known her for a short while, but in that time, she has been a big help and friend to me. Thank you Cheryl for all of your help and wonderful knowledge that you have shared with me.

I did not know you were leaving, I will miss you.
Helpful - 0
I am here still .. just needed a little time off after many years as your CL :-)
317787 tn?1473358451
I agree Cindy, Cheryl has given of herself so much.  I will truly miss her so much! MH will not be the same without her,
Helpful - 0
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