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Swollen feet and ankles

Periodically I've noticed a slight swelling in my feet and ankles, but it only happens after I have eaten tomatoes, tomatoe pasta etc.  Can the swollen feet and ankles be the result of eating tomatoes??  Again the swelling only happens when I consume any product that has tomatoes, tomatoes paste etc...in it.
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Definitely sounds like it to me being this is the only time it happens.
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168348 tn?1379357075

WELCOME to our community ... yes, you could be allergic .... be careful and do mention to your doctor because repeated exposure can increase reactions.

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I get the same if I eat tomatoes and potatoes have found out I have a nightshade allergy which causes feet to swell
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello~It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to me, I would mention this to your GP and avoid all tomatoes and tomato products completely.
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