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Spine Problem Or Allergy?

Hello everyone-This is going to be fairly long..so I appreciate your time. I'm 27 and always been very healthy and active. I've had one accident in my life where I was re ended. That was almost 10 years ago. I wasn't bad at all. I'll start from January of this year.

In January I experienced some shoulder pain that I thought was tendonitis. I went to a massage therapist to help the irritation. She found a group of knots sitting on top of my brachial nerves. She said my muscles were VERY tight and I had a lot of inflammation. She told me to start taking magnesium and only lift weights 4 days a week instead of 6. So I did. I felt great after the therapy session.

In April I started getting the same aching in my shoulder. I started getting a tingling/numbing sensation in my arm as well. I went to my doctor. He ordered physical therapy. I stayed away from weights and did cardio. I did physical therapy for 4 weeks. The physical therapist determined that it was a pinched nerve in my cervical spine. She was still unsure though. During that 4 week time span I was running on the tread mill. I started getting odd sensations my arms and neck. I was also getting tingling in my neck and started to get dizzy. I went to the ER thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack. They did a ct scan and it was normal. They said I was fine. During therapy I started getting sensations in my neck on both sides and my left arm as well. They discharged me after 4 weeks as I was doing better. The therapist told me to go back to the gym... but light weight for a while. I did.

I was still having a little bit of shoulder irritation while working out. I went back to the massage therapist from Jan. She found knots in the same spot and said my muscles were a mess. She found knots everywhere. She informed me to keep stretching. About a month later I started experiencing some scary symptoms. Stiff neck, dizziness, some headaches, poor coordination, my eyes had problems following objects, my legs would cramp and my feet would tingle. I also felt like I was walking on slits. I went to an ortho. He seemed a little confused by my symptoms and ordered an MRI and xrays of my neck. All were normal. He referred me to a neuro.

I went to the neuro and he said my exam was normal. He looked at the report (which was very brief..no problems at all) and xrays. He sad they were fine. He suspected MS possibly. He ordered an MRI on my brain ando said it was normal. No MS.

I went back to my ortho. He ordered physical therapy. So..back to physical therapy I went. She was baffled by my symptoms and thought I was crazy. Physical therapy helped my neck a little. My legs were still giving me problems. I still had bad coordination problems. I went to another neuro. He ordered an MRI of my lower back and found a narrowing disc at L5. It still had plenty of disc space left. Other than that..it was normal. EMG was normal as well. I went to a chiro desperate for answers. The chiro has seemed to help a little...but symptoms still linger. I did some research thinking maybe it wasn't spine related. Maybe it was all muscle related. What could be causing the tight muscles and tingling? I thought of the food I was eating. I was always very healthy.. but I KNEW for years I was sensitive to gluten. I would frequently get brain fog, dry scalp, weird rashes on my scalp and forehead, and fatigue. I did some more research or gluten and BAM.. many people who are sensitive to gluten have similar issues as me. For years I always had constipation issues. If I wasn't constipated..my stool would float and be a dark color. I'm not in any pain in my upper extremeties..just a lot of tightness and tingling. My legs.. mostly my right leg are tight, tingle, restless, and ache at times. I did see my primary doctor before seeing the second neuro. He ordered blood for vit D, thyroid, iron, calcium.. all normal. I suggested b12..but he insisted it was a not a b12 issue
My symptoms currently-

-Stiffness in the neck-range of motion has improved since the chiro.
-dizziness (has died down quite a bit)-not vertigo.. just more light headed.
-Tingling/stiffness/odd sensations in both arms, wrists, and fingers.. mainly the pinky and index. Occasionally the thumbs will twitch.
-Tension headaches..not aches.. just a lot of scalp/forehead tightness.
-Spotty vision
-Tight/stiff traps
-Legs feel like jello during strenuous activity. Doing cardio makes my legs shake.
-If a lift weights.. I get a lot of pressure at the base of my skull and I get dizzy. I'll also get tightness in my traps.
-Legs numb on occasion. .feel weak at times, tingle, buzz, slightly ache, muscle twitching.
-Twitching in my scalp
-Slight tingling in jaw at times
-Sensations in face

I'm no doctor.. but those images appear to be normal. The chiro said I some artritis....but I just don't see it at all. The reports were completely normal and very brief. I'm desperate for some answers. Does this sound like something auto immune (Allergy possibly) or spine related? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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Forgot to mention I do have balance issues as well. But they seem to have gotten better. I used to sway a little when standing with my feet together. Coordination was bad.... has improved a bit. Whenever I would press the elevator button at work...I would really have to concentrate to make sure I actually touched it.
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363281 tn?1714899967
You need to see another chiropractor as these symptoms seem to be caused by pinched nerves, or even herniated discs. I don't think that any drugs, PT or osteopath will help, you need direct manipulations on these areas to remove vertebrae that are causing the pinched nerves.
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