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Coffee intolerance?

Hi, I think I have an intolerance to coffee, but I'm not sure.

Whenever I drink a cup (not very often), I get a little shaky, jittery, and severe stomach cramps.

It's very annoying! Even if I have only one cup, I get these symptoms.

Can anyone confirm my suspicion, or give me some good alternatives to caffiene? I'm a student, so sometimes I need to pull all-nighters. (yes, I know it's unhealthy!)
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767435 tn?1235759815
Im the same, but only with certain coffee, if i have frothy lattes, milky coffee or cheap granulated, im fine, but if i have propper, strong, filter coffee i just wanna puke.
it may be the ammount of sugar you put in too, that wont help with the nausea.
I work nights, and 10 hour shifts so need energy, but coffee and energy drinks actually make me feel worse.
Boring as it is, drinking plenty of water really really helps!!!  drink 2 litres today and tomorrow youll have more energy!  when u need a quick pick me up, a cold drink and a banana should help.
If your missing a nice cuppa, try dandilion coffee!!
hope this helps, good luck with your work
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I do have dairy in my coffee sometimes, but also non-dairy creamers. Both are the same.

XD I don't get the point of decaf. But I didn't know that. Thank you~ I'll tell everyone I know who drinks decaf, just to bug them. ^^
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Okay, thank you! I'll try some of these suggestions. This is such a helpful site :)

There is one thing that I forgot to mention, though... things like pills w/caffeine in them don't give me cramps... but I'm not 100% sure about that. Energy drinks also make me feel sick.

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540937 tn?1213928088
Maybe you can try some tea
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  For many people, eating an apple or two will give them an energy boost. A little glucose to the brain helps.  Supplementing with B vitamins is important to assist brain function, but then, getting enough sleep is highly important for your health. Try not to stay up ALL night!
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You do sound as if you have an intolerance to coffee.

The caffeine in the coffee can produce, irritability, jitters, headaches, insomnia, and palpitations.

Do you use any dairy in your coffee? If so, that could be the culprit causing the stomach cramping.

I don't know of any alternative that would not cause the above symptoms.

I just want to point out that decaf does contain some caffeine. Most people think that it is caffeine free, when it isn't.
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