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I am 17 years old and I've been getting these strange allergic reactions since I was 12.
They almost always happen when I'm on my menstrual cycle and they occur about 1-3 times a year.
First, after eating, I get a stomach discomfort and mild pain that causes me to go to the bathroom.
After, the stomach pains gets 100 times worse where I'm tossing, turning and crying.
I then start to itch and break out in hives. One time, I had to use an Epi-Pen because my breathing wasn't right.
I'm not allergic to anything according to the tests. I've eaten all the foods that have caused an allergy after each reaction and I've been fine. The foods range all the way from peaches to mac and cheese.
I don't know if this is hormonal with my menstrual cycle or if its a problem with my stomach that triggers these allergic reactions. Maybe eosinophilic gastroenteritis?
Any advice?

4 Responses
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It is possible for some women to experience allergies to their own progesterone and estrogen during their menstrual cycles. Blood work shows higher levels of IgE antibodies at that time of the month.

I'm not familiar with "eosinophilic" gastroenteritis, but I do know that food allergies and intolerances can cause severe gastroenteritis.

Another thought, my husband is not allergic to one main food item, but combined with other foods, he can experience a severe eczema-like rash, along with anaphylaxsis. One example; he cannot eat beans and fruit at the same meal.
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Theres some tips to avoid food poisoning.
There are so usefull, and the most important thing: preventives.
Have a nice day.

Its a nice site, visit frecuently if it liked you
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171768 tn?1324230099
i've been doing a lot of research on autoimmune disorders recently and learned that in some cases these symptoms are linked to changes in hormones. NOT to say that this is your situation, but you may want to investigate.
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655054 tn?1224780760
That was so helpful to me! The combining of certain foods creating an actual reaction!
It makes perfect sense for my own discomfort. Thank YOu
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