1844975 tn?1318900277

Adult-Onset Anaphylaxis SOS

I was diagnosed with AOA about a year ago, the summer after I graduated high school after what I thought were asthma attacks ( I have had severe asthma since birth ) kept progressively getting worse and worse until I was tested for allergies. I'm allergic to things I've eaten my whole life, and the list is long. I've had a terrible time trying to find ANYTHING that I can really eat because everything is processed and organic food is so expensive.

My allergies:

- ALL nuts
- Peanuts
- ALL beans
- Wheat
- Soy
- Corn
- Rice
- White Potatoes
- Hazel Nut
- Sunflower
- Sesame
- Oranges
- Grapes
- Strawberries
- Olives
- Green Bell
- Barley
- Oats
- Green Peas

I know, I know it's a long list. But my question is, has anyone heard of this severe of a case? Does anyone know any suggestions that could possible help me?

7 Responses
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1844975 tn?1318900277
I forgot to mention, due to my allergies, I have had 6 reactions in the past year where I have had to epi myself and rush to the ER.
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1809109 tn?1331803777
I really like this site http://www.foodallergymama.com/ Her son is allergic to nuts, eggs, dairy, and beans so she might have some recipes you can eat. She also put out a cookbook that you might be able to find in a library. Gluten and soy aren't a problem for her son so I wouldn't recommend everything she has on there as they can still contain things you're allergic to. She is also friends with some other ladies with similar food allergies so you might want to look into them.

Your allergies are more severe than I've heard of, but I have only met people who had asphyxiation in relation with nuts and dairy. I really wish I could help you more but most gluten free recipes (no wheat, oats or barley) use rice, almond, and corn flours- which would still make you sick.

Also are you allergic to latex? Sometimes a severe latex allergy can react to trace latex from people handling your foods. I'm not sure what you can do to help that, but it's something to think about.

I would STRONGLY suggest getting in touch with a dietitian who could help work around your allergies as well as talking with an allergist specialist.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Aside from a dietician would be natural medicine.  If you haven't tried a naturopath, a naturopath might be able to help.  I would suggest homeopathy, but I have heard of some people not doing well with homeopathy.  I don't know the difference between homeopathy and ayurvedic, I I do think that you're too fragile for homeopathy.
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1844975 tn?1318900277
Thanks for the suggestions! The whole Gluten-free revenue is still tricky for me because it seems like I'm allergic to every substitute and the substitute for that. But I will definitely take a look at the recipes.

I'm not allergic to latex, thank goodness. I wouldn't want to add anything else onto my list. Besides food allergies I have environmental allergies like wasp, hornet and bee stings, grasses, trees and mold/pollen.

I went to both an allergist and a dietician but unfortunately neither had seen as severe of a case as mine, and neither were much help. They were pretty much like.. uh, we don't know how to help you.

Thanks again!
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1844975 tn?1318900277
I'm not quite sure what naturopath, homeopathy or ayurvedic are. Please help?
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1809109 tn?1331803777
Naturopath, homeopathy, and ayurvedic are forms of alternative medicine.
I don't know the difference between Naturopaths and homeopathy. Both tend to use remedies that are loosely based on Chinese like medicine- ginger for nausea, slippery elm root for fiber, vitamins, etc.  Both also have a similar belief that a type of energy field in the body can help treat the body of illness. I went to one for my gallbladder/ allergies/ thyroid problems and found it very unhelpful. (With the exception of the slippery elm root vitamin which I still take for fiber). I'm less familiar with Ayurveda but I know it's an ancient Indian type of medicine probably similar to homeopathy.

Personally I'm a very suspicious person and like a good deal of scientific evidence, which I don't feel these alternatives can give. However, some people find they can help. Myself, I would be much more inclined to suggest something like acupuncture or herbal remedies before them.  

I know some people with EXTREME allergies can get small amounts of shots of these allergies. So my friend who is allergic to 6 animal types, 5 trees, 4 molds, all weeds, dust and smoke gets a shot from her allergist containing small amounts of allergens which helps her to desensitize from these. However, non of her reactions are anaphylactic and all of them are environmental-not food so I don't know if this is an option for you.
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