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Swollen Mouth

Ate pineapple yesterday morning, noticed it was a bit tangy. By noon yesterday, my mouth was on fire, lips and mouth flesh swollen, bottom lip almost droopy. It's not better now, how long should it take to return to normal, if it is caused by pineapple? Have sore throat too, with some blistering on throat.

8 Responses
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pls go and see an doctor for testing intolerances like fructose and histmaine. Both intolerances are nowadays common, but the reason why it's going to be more "popular" as itself is unkown. Mostly its a "cross-allergy".

Anyway, I don't know a lot about fructose and this stuff. But I'm sensitive to histamine and that's why I know that fruits are high in histamine. Maybe you will find your anwer with this ;)
As soon as you get tested positive to histamine, I really can recommend Daosin. It's easy to take. You eat one cap right before you eat, and it's avoiding the allergic reaction. That's it, you'll be fine with that. Best of luck!
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I'm not, doc thinks it  may be thrush mouth due to antibiotics, been on Clotrimazole 10 mg Troche for fourth day, no change tho. Not sure what's happening.
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9526964 tn?1404308948
Oh! Bad pineapple. Hope you're okay by now.
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Hi again,

That's what I thought PCP stood for but wasn't sure. I think it is a good
idea that you are going to see your family doctor about this. I hope you
are starting to feel better.  Eve
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Primary care physician
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Hello again,

You are very welcome. Just wondering , what is PCP ?   Eve
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Thanks for responding.

Visit urgent care Sunday, he thought it might be reaction to pineapple, gave me steroid shot, no improvement yet, trying to follow up with PCP.
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Hello there,

It sounds to me like there was something very wrong with the pineapple you ate yesterday morning. I would call your family doctor , tell them what is going on and make an emergency appointment.  I wish you well.  Eve
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