720228 tn?1530911279

strange poop smell and burping

My son has been burping a lot. I took him to his ped who said he was too young for allergy testing. I found out that this was not the case and I am taking him to an allergiest next week.  I am trying to find as much info out as I can so I can ask the doctor intelligent questions that would help my son.  He seems to be burping a lot and his poop seems very loose and smells like natural gas or gasoline.  I know natural gas doesn't really have a smell so it smells like the stuff they put into gas so that it would smell.  His weight is fine, so my ped said not to worry but I am worried that he is hurting.  He also poops a lot, about three times a day.  He is going to be 3 in jan 2014. I didn't think three times a day was normal for a 21/2 year old.  The smell has me concerned. SO I am trying to figure out what I should be asking the doctor and whether we should also be seeing as gasternol doc.
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Hi and understand your predicament. If your son has been food outside or if his not taking his usual diet, then that could be the cause for his frequent stools and burping. Burping could also mean indigestion. Try to give him regular meals and the food should essentially be home food with atleast 2 to 3 glasses of milk, fruits and liberal helpings of vegetables.To avoid junk foods like fried stuffand eating too much of chocolates. And try to give him yogurt with his meals. Allergist specialist may help detect allergic causes. He may do a blood IgE levels to see if they are raised. Regards.  
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720228 tn?1530911279
Van had a scope done and he is lactose intolerant
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