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Vodka intolerance

Hi! My name is Marina and I'm 21 years old. I have never drink a lot of alcohol but I've tried many alcoholic drinks. What I notice is that it seems to me I have vodka and tequila intolerance. I can drink whiskey for example 100 - 200 ml and I don't get drunk or sick but whenever I drink vodka or tequila (I mean like 50 ml) I still don't get drunk but I get trembling sick with nausea. I have to throw up everything in my stomach.I have tachycardia and breathing difficulty..I don't have headache but I can't eat anything 2 days after it. I' m a medical student but I absolutely have no idea if it's possible to have alcohol intolerance to vodka and tequila and not to whiskey. I hope somebody have any suggestions what could cause it. Thank you!
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My advice to you is to give up alcohol entirely. You contradict yourself.
You say you " never drink a lot of alcohol " but " I've tried many alcoholic
drinks".  If you get trembling sick with nausea after drinking alcohol and then you say you have to throw up everything in your stomach and you
can't eat anything for 2 days, I think you know what you need to do.
Stop drinking any alcohol.  I used to drink some alcohol occasionally
with friends in my twenties and thirties.  I haven't had any alcohol for more than 2 years. I don't miss it at all.  The cost of wine and beer is a factor
too. Both my husband and I don't drink any alcohol. We're saved a lot of
money by not drinking and it gets easier as time goes by. Good luck to
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I have the same problem! Only Vodka and tequila!!! And to the commenter, it's not a contradiction, and she's not an alcoholic in need of sobriety... I stick to Rum only... Maybe Whisky is your thing... I've tried looking into this and it has something to do with the processing of the plants used to make the alcohol.. Rum comes from sugar and doesn't seem to cause symptoms (other than tipsyness) but most other liquor cannot be metabolised by my pancreas or liver causing alcohol poisoning...<<< poison control told me this, called them after drinking vodka... If you want to try drinking vodka or tequila again, staying very hydrated usually helps the poising from taking hold, but you must hydrate BEFORE drinking!!! I usually drink a bottle of coconut water(very hydrating) and smart water-both packed with electrolytes! Trying hydrate after becoming sick is a lost cause. this has worked for me before, but if I can I just stick to what agrees with me, Rum & Cidre...
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