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Two nights ago my tongue swelled up to where it was difficult to breath through my mouth. Took a Benadryl and
swelling of the tongue went away after 2 or 3 hours. Then, the following mid day, the bottom of my left foot swelled and shortly thereafter my left palm swelled. Took another Benadryl. By the second day most of the swelling was gone but now my right foot feels a bit swollen.  Has anyone had these symptoms, and if so, can you tell me what provoked them.

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757137 tn?1347196453
It happens with my throat. When it does, I do not take a Benadryl pill, but instead take sips of liquid Benadryl (used usually for children). This gets the anti-histamine where it is most needed in jig time.
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My sister had a reaction to bananas years ago where after eating them her tongue became very swollen and she had difficulty breathing. She went to the hospital and they gave her a shot benadryl. She was told she had an allergic reaction to bananas. She stopped eating bananas since and hasnt had another episode. Try to keep track of what you eat and see what food(s) is causing the reaction.
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