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Wheat/gluten allergy

Recently I started having cramps and all the other yucky symptoms that go along with the allergy. After cutting wheat out for 2 months I feel physically better (Not great!) but my bowel is still in a sorry state and I'm having to take pills to control it. How long will it take for my body to recover? Also, my nan had the same problem and has been able to reintroduce wheat into her diet over a number of years by gradually getting her body used to it. It is advisable that I keep eating small quantities or that I go off it completely then start again? Or should I just go back to eating wheat like normal and force my body to get used to it?
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depends how serious your reactions are..if you have celiac you should never eat wheat again...

you may never want to, its really not that good tasting or good for you anyways::

http:// www . treelight.  com  / health  / nutrition  /  Wheat.   html

look for pamelas gluten free cookies too! cuz you can eat cookies! muhuwaha!
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Hah, thanks for the advice but I think it is only an allergy to wheat. I've been eating corn flakes for the last couple weeks every morning which has a lot of barley/gluten in it and I've had no reaction. Mistakenly had some gravy a few days ago - a very small amount - made from an oxo cube and the stomach cramps lasted for 2 days =/ Doctor wanted me to eat wheat again and then stick a camera down my throat to confirm coeliacs but I refused. Don't want to go through that ever again -.-
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681148 tn?1437661591
I react to wheat/gluten, even though I test negative for allergy tests and Celiac.  I have IBS and I clearly have gluten intolerance, regardless of what any of the official tests say.  If I want to suffer, all I have to do is eat something I know has gluten in it.  Then, it takes forever for the colon to stop cramping and having constipation.

I think it's better to just stay away from gluten if you have any doubts or if you're having symptoms.
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