791441 tn?1236891603

dairy soya and wheat free foods

im new and does anyone have any food and meal ideas that are dairy soya and wheat free??
my 1 year old is allergic to all 3 of these and im at the end of my teather
who knew kids could be so hard then add in allergies

anyone help please!!!

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Hi, I too am allergic to many things.  And I have no problem finding foods to eat.  Go to the Whole Foods Market, and buy milks that are made with things like Rice, or Hemp.  They also have cold cereals that have no wheat or soy in them.  Can he have spelt?  Some people who can't have wheat can have spelt, some people can't.  Spelt tastes just like wheat.  I buy spelt noodles, spelt bread, spelt crackers, etc.  If he can't have spelt, try other types of bread like millet or rice.  You really must go to the Whole Foods Market and look for alternatives.  I make a lot of brown rice.  It is so good for you.  Your whole family should be eating it.  Lundberg brand, short grain, organic, is the best tasting.  Make brown rice and then stir-fry some vegetables and chop up some chicken (you can buy one that is already roasted at the market.  just remove the skin first).  Mix it all together with some salt and pepper.  While your at the Whole Foods Market, look at their cook books.  Good luck!
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You might be interested in the Lactofree website.


This site provides useful information about diverse issues related to this ailment, it explains the series of common symptoms associated to dairy and lactose intolerance, and even provides a brief comment about the reactions to milk allergy, helping you distinguish which one is the real source of discomfort.


In case you are interested, the site also offers some lactofree products as a healthy option in case you are lactose intolerant. I have tried them, and they really helped me overcome the crave for dairy products.

Hope this info will be useful for you!
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