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Allergic to some sort of food Please help

I am not sure what food i am Allergic to but every now and than when i eat from outside i get a bad case of itchy feeling all over my skin.  I think i maybe Allergic to stuff like Hummus and eggs etc, which are hot for body.  I only get this from some sort of food.  I don't drink nor smoke

I was wondering if there is an over the counter medicine i can take whenever i am feeling like this, I am out of my state for a week or so, and as soon i come back i plan to go see my doctor so he can send me to an allergist..

Can you guys help with any suggestions? drowsy or non drowsy?
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Hello Montydiesel,

Just finished reading your comments. Perhaps till you are back home, you should not eat hummus or eggs. Based on what you have written, I'm glad to hear that you are going to ask your doctor for a referral to an allergist.
As for over the counter medications to deal with this, I wouldn't take anything because you don't know what you're allergic to. Just avoid these 2 foods for now. You also may be sensitive to additives placed in a food such as hummus. It's much better to make your own hummus. Then you can control what ingredients go in it.   Eve
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you should check up what's your problem.

I don't know where to start, but you need several tests ;)

by an intolerance like fructose I can recommend xylosolv, lactose, lactosolve and histamine daosin ;)

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