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looks like white paint on skin is it a rash?

my girlfriend was digging in the closet, when she was done she found there was this weird white paint like stuff on her finger it spread a little bit like an acid burn and stung, there was nothing in the closet unsafe that could of donr this to hur, is it a weird rash or a food allergy, what should we do, her 2 fingertips look like they got dipped in white out, is it dry skin?
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I was on my way to the ED and decided to Google "skin turning white." Thanks so much to you all for your input! I had just finished cleaning out the first aid drawer and my fingers began to burn and turn white, before my eyes! I panicked! I showed my boss and he, jokingly showed me his cut- off finger and said "same thing happened here!" I wanted to run to the hospital but I am glad I Googled it first!
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I was on my way to the ED and decided to Google "skin turning white." Thanks so much to you all for your input! I had just finished cleaning out the first aid drawer and my fingers began to burn and turn white, before my eyes! I panicked! I showed my boss and he, jokingly showed me his cut- off finger and said "same thing happened here!" I wanted to run to the hospital but I am glad I Googled it first!
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It happened to me from time to time and always on my hands. It is spreading quickly and is burning. At first I thought a spider has bitten me, so I rushed to put on Antisan (an ointment with anti-histamine to put on insect bites for immediate relieve). The anti-histamine ointment immediately took away the stinging/burning and it did not spread further, but the white spots remains until it slowly fades away over about an hour. It would be nice to get a medical doctor's opinion on this. I wash my hands a lot and especially thoroughly before cleaning and handling my contact lenses, so I thought it could be the type of liquid soap I uses, but even on a new type of soap, the condition re-occurs.
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I had this exact thing happen to me this morning.

I use a contact soaking solution made of hydrogen peroxide. The contact case leaked into my bathroom drawer yesterday. I thought I had cleaned it all up, but this morning, I grabbed my hairbrush and noticed the handle was damp. I wiped out the drawer. A few minutes later, I noticed this on my hands. It's never happened with my contact solution before, but because some of the liquid sat out overnight where the water could evaporate and leave concentrated solution behind...

Just confirming: yes, it is hydrogen peroxide.
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That just happened to me today!  My sister and I made sandwiches and suddenly both our hands broke out with white paint splotches that burned and felt like they were putting out heat.  We tried washing them, scrapping at the skin- nothing worked.  Then we realized the more we touched the bread, the more it burned.  We didn't touch any chemicals, glues or anything unusual, just the bread.  Started looking up allergic reactions to bleached flour (this type of bread had it sprinkled even on the outside of the crust) and we saw a lot of posts like this.  It went away after about an hour or two, but it was really freaky!  My husband didn't touch the bread or eat it and he didn't have any reaction.  Never had allergies like this before, but I won't be buying bread with bleaches if I can avoid it.  Yikes.
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