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Does anyone know about egg intolerance? I had an allergy test done a couple of months ago and am not allergic to eggs, but when I eat them, they make my stomach hurt. This only has occured within the last couple of years. I can eat products that contain eggs, but when it comes to eating scrambled eggs or fried, egg salad ect it makes me sick. I really like eggs and don't want to have to avoid them. Is there any way to 'get over' a food intolerance, especially if it has only emerged recently?
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I think people can be allergic to everything... Unfortunately.
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363281 tn?1714899967
I have that exact same problem. I love eggs too, but, they don't love me. However, a food allergy test DID reveal allergies to eggs. UGH.
I have found that if I buy "organic" eggs, I don't have this issue, it seems that whatever they feed the chickens in the culprit for my tummy pain, but, the "organic" ones don't seem to have that "ingredient" in them. Give it a try, it might help.
Oh, and I, too, can eat them when they are in other foods, maybe because I am not eating as much of the egg that way.
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Thanks, I will have a shot at organic eggs.
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