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Please help. Sever allergic reaction after taking Tramadol 50mg

I took Tramadol HCL 50mg twice and in 2 days and  i have developed side effects i.e Hives on palms and soles which burn and itch. Also G.I problems. shortness of breath, tightness of chest  with severe cough after every meals. I was given Zyrtec and Rigix but not much success. I am into the 7th day now and the effects are stil there. Please help and suggest how to counteract , I've read Dexamethasone or Naloxone counteract Tramadol. Please suggest what to do. I cant see a doc personally untill monday noon. I can live with the itch and hives but the cough and breathing issue is making my life hell.. Please Help
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2099155 tn?1336594201
Where did you get the tramadol from?
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Hey Jack,
I got it from the pharmacy. Its sold as Tramal SR from Searl and I checked it wasnt 50mg it is 100mg tablet, and i had two for consecutive days.
I was able to see another GP yesterday who gave me a shot of Decadron (Dexamethasone), with Fexet 60MG (Fexofenadine) twice daily, an acyfylin syrup for cough. I felt great after the shot, my hives reduced significantly ithcing was still there but not as intense. Mentally i became my old self by evening, alert otherwise i wise sleepy and lethargic the whole week. But the rashes started coming back  around 1AM night, I managed to sleep by 3 AM and now woke up at 9 AM. The hives are back, and they are more then before with intense ithcing. . Oh and i did not wakeup in the middle of the night with gerd and cough. Slept better then before but the hives are far worse this morning before the shot. Its sunday and i dont know if i can see a GP today or not. but the ithcing is killing me ,
Some info i forgot in my 1st post: I also had intense ithcing in my both ears (internal) and my penis(internally under glans) but have subsided and havent came back yet. Right now only complains are hives on Palms which itch like hell, and mild hives and itching on sole. ocassional bout of cough.
and sorry for my bad english :)
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