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Allergic Reaction..?

My right eye has become extremely swollen and now my left is starting too.  I took 2 benedryl about 30 minuets ago and cant tell if it is working.

The only thing different I have done is taken a nature made triple omega supplement that says it has fish, flaxseed, safflower and olive oils.  I took the supplement around 2pm and the swelling didnt start until around 430.  Am I having allergic reaction?  Should I go to urgent care?
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Hello, I started getting swellen eyes about two years ago. One eye or the other would swell up like a ballon to the point I could hardly see out of it. It turned out to be a couple of things. One being the new dryer sheets that I had dried my sheets with. The swelling would start during the night while I was curled up in the sheets. I think it would happen if a tear or wet hands after returning from the bathroom would touch my eye area. I don't know if this is your problem but don't rule it out. It took a very long time for me to figure it out.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, swollen eye indicates allergic manifestations. another possibility would be bacterial conjunctivitis or in severe cases orbital cellulitis. It is most commonly seen secondary to bacterial infection.

Also swollen eyelids or face are sign of kidney disorder. The renal disease (kidney) like nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, and renal failure can cause such symptoms. You need to undergo urine analysis, renal function tests and radio imaging of the kidneys to rule out the cause and should be treated promptly to prevent further complications.  

We cannot rule out the exact cause without examination. If infection suspected, you need cleaning of eyes and antibiotic drops in eye with oral antibiotic treatment against prescription. Allergic conjunctivitis needs antihistamines and also corticosteroids in severe cases.  

I suggest you to consult ophthalmologist/physician for further evaluation without delay. Take care and regards.  
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