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Allergic to Stitches

I am a teenager now, and have gone through just about 11 procedures within 5 years.

When I hit 7th grade, I was about 12 years old.
My belly button began to blister and bubble up over a period of about a few days, maybe two weeks.  It eventually became this huge infected bubble, and ever since then I have been getting surgery after procedure after surgery, so on and so forth. At first, my doctor/surgeon told me it was just a reoccuring hernia, and that they could fix it. Around my 9th surgery they discovered that it wasn't just a hernia, and they started to add in different types of stitches. Eventually they discovered I was allergic to stitches, and now they can't fix the main problem that I have... Which the surgeon now claims is pieces of an organ (a placenta) that were left inside of me as a baby, but the pieces are lying underneath muscle, and to operate on the muscle (without the use of stitches or sutures or staples) would be too much for my body to handle.  Since my body is currently trying to reject whatever pieces are left inside of me, it is also attacking my tissue and has poked holes in my intestines, which leaks bowel juices into the tissue, causing my belly button to bubble out and become infected over and over again.

They say that this allergy to "foreign objects" is very rare, and I search everywhere and cannot find a single person with the same allergies or conditions as mine. I know that my surgeon is trying the best that he can, and there's not much else I can do... But I am constantly in question about my condition, and if there really is nothing else out there that could get through my muscle and take out the pieces of placenta without needing to be closed up with stitches/sutures/staples.

They've tried every kind of stitch that there is out there for my body, and my body automatically begins to attack those stitches and reject them. The last time I went through this procedure it was so incredibly painful for me, and emotionally distressing.  I now have a gigantic and terrible fear of Cauterization, and I am scared out of my mind for this next surgery coming up so soon.

I get advice from people all the time to travel and go see different teams of doctors... But I'm in my last years of high school, struggling to get by, and struggling to finish on time. I just need some advice, or some support, or someone that can relate to me.

Some background:
-I never tried to pierce my belly button on my own.
-I've tried every kind of stitch and my body rejects and attacks them no matter what.
-I cannot have piercings of any type. As a child, I could never have ear piercings, because the site of the piercing in my ears would get infected.
-This problem started in the seventh grade when I was about 12 years old.
-My body reoccurs and reacts at least once a year, sometimes more. (The doctors keep calling it a Hernia).
-It seems to have a pattern of when my body reacts as of the past year or two... Last year my body reacted on April vacation, and this year it did react AGAIN, and at the same time.
-My mother has pictures of me when I was a nerwborn/infant, and it shows my belly button bubbling up the same way it does now, and looking infected.

Questions I have:
-If they fixed it when I was younger, why can't they fix it now? And why did my body react this way again?
-Could this be because of season changes? Maybe an allergy to my environment and my body reacts this way?
-In the 7th grade, I used to pick at my belly button and make it bleed (a bad habit that I overcame)... Could something have gotten in the skin and caused my reactions?
-Is it because of a chemical or physical change that might have occurred in my body when I turned 12 or 13? Why is that, if yes?
-Is there any one else that has defeated or overcome these reactions?
-Could I possibly just grow out of this allergy?
-Why has my allergy to stitches gotten worse as I got older?

I have yet to meet any other person with the same conditions, or even a slightly similar story.
My surgeon and doctors and everyone I tell become puzzled by this story, and I don't know how to explain it myself.

None of this makes sense to me, because I have questions like... 'Why didn't my body react sooner?' and 'I didn't need any stitches in my body before the first time I reacted, so what could it have been?'

I am now in 11th grade and going in for surgery in about a week, it will make my 12th surgery. I am missing my Prom, my end-of-the-year testing, and any celebration with my friends.  Because of this condition I am unable to play sports, to lift heavy things or strain my body (mainly my stomach muscles). It interrupts with my work, my school, my health, my limited time for teenage years, and my life altogether.  And it has caused me to feel like a prisoner in my own body.

I just want someone out in the world to relate to my situation, or to be able to possibly give me advice on how to finally get this fixed.  If anyone could give me even the slightest clue as to what may have happened or is happening now, I would greatly appreciate that.
3 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, yes, you seem to be allergic to suture material and are mediated by release of histamine in the body. Initial exposure will not cause allergy but subsequent exposure can induce allergic reaction. Your body is known to hypersensitive to such materials.  

Treatment includes prior administration of anti histaminic and glucocorticoids against prescription, when suturing has to be done.

It seems to be Umbilical hernia which occurs due to opening of linea alba, and due to incomplete healing of umbilical scar and can occur secondary to abdominal straining. Hence relapse can be possible. Hence, a good repair by an experienced surgeon is required.

I suggest you to consult a skin specialist regarding allergic manifestations . Take care and regards.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey MKateF.

I'm glad you took the step to seek some support and advice here.
From what you are describing, I truly feel your distress and your suffering.
It is a lot to go through, considering your age. Your maturity though, simply amazes me.
Your situation reminds a bit of my younger years (seems like another life altogether), and that is why I can relate somewhat, to what you are going through.
My intention is to offer you, some helpful recommendations, that can hopefully lead you to
a healthier life.
How did the surgeon establish that a piece of the placenta was left in you body
after birth? Or is it a hunch he has?
If there's a deeper meaning to your situation, what would it be, if you had to guess?

One has to think outside the conventional medical model, in some cases.
As the allergy community is not the proper venue for holistic and alternative approaches and advice, please post at the alternative therapies community (within this forum) or message me directly.

I may not reply right away, as I'll be away at a convention for a few days.
But I'll reply promptly,upon my return next week.
Should you have any urgent health matter or question to ask,
please message me by tomorrow.

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Hi and Welcome to the community.

I really can't relate to your precise situation, but you are not alone in missing out special activities because of health issues.  It is a hard life, but one we must accept and try not to get bitter about.  There are still many joys in life if you look for them.  

I have severe fragrance sensitivities that keep me from doing a lot of shopping, going to church, even hugging my kids sometimes if they have hairspray or other products in the hair that triggers my asthma.  I rarely get to shop with my kids.  I didn't get to shop with my daughter for her formals and prom dresses.  I couldn't really help her get ready because of the hairspray.  There is absolutely no way I can go get a manicure with them.  It is very isolating. I find joy in doing what I can, and living vicariously to some degree as see the pictures and hear the stories about how much fun she has had.  

For you health needs, I would suggest that you go to a teaching hospital like maybe Mayo or John Hopkins, one of the biggies.  They would have the newer technologies and possibly more ideas to help you.  Natial Jewish would be good if you are truly dealing with an allergy.  This does sound like an auto immune disorder, so seeing an auto immune disease specialist maybe helpful.

I hope that helps you some and gives you some options to look for effective treatments.

Take care and God bless.
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