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Allergies in the desert?

I moved to the Middle East last August. For the last four or five months I've had post-nasal drip, one cold with a cough that lasted about 8 weeks and now a constant tickling sensation in my chest, under and on either side of the breast bone. I also sometimes feel a tightness in my chest, not pressure or pain but discomfort, hard to explain.
The post--nasal drip is constant and annoying as well as the ticklish feeling.  

I went to one doctor and he thinks allergies but I don't know-what could I be allergic to in the middle of the desert? I'm usually inside in the a/c since it's so hot. Plus I'm 36 and never had allergies.

I used to smoke in college but stopped except for a relapse from age 32-34, I don't know if this is related. Should I have a chest x-ray for lung cancer? My last x-ray was almost 3 years ago.

The only medication I've used that seems to help is Benadryl but it completely knocks me out.

Any ideas?

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Have you had fever, malaise or ear infections recently?

Have you had any history of allergies in the past?

This may need an examination from an Ear, nose throat specialist as this could be sign of an infection in the air passage.

On the other hand some sort of allergy may also be a possible reason.

You may try using some new linen for a few days and some anti-allergics if needed.

Keep us posted on your health and let us know if you have any other queries.



You may have either an allergy or mild sinusitis. As you rightly pointed out, relocation  might have something to do with it and therefore the allergy is to be considered.

In my view, it is best that you visit your doctor again and get an examination of your nasal passages and throat done.Do you get phlegm/nasal discharge of any sort? What is the color of this discharge? It would be a good idea to get a chest xray done too.

I think some anti-histamines, steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and pain relief medications would be beneficial, till you get to see your doctor.

Let me know if you may need any more help or information.

Keep us posted.


Best regards
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Thanks so much for your help.  
I did go to an ENT about a year ago because I noticed my nose was always stuffy. He scoped me and said I had a deviated septum and narrow turbinates (turbinades?). He did say I had a chronic sinusitis/rhinitis because of this. So I know I get more upper respiratory things but I never had this constant post-nasal drip and and swallowing phlegm and itchiness in lungs until I moved here.

I do have phlegm, currently it's clear unless I have a cold then it turns yellow/green. I did go to the doctor when I had a cold in March because my cough lingered. She did not see any signs of infection in my nose and throat and heard nothing from my lungs, she  said it was a post-viral cough and can last a long time It's been about 7 weeks, the cold is gone, so is the coughing.  I would think the chest issue would be related but it pre-dated it.

I do use all of the above (antihistamines, etc) as needed. I guess I would like to get at the root of it. What is causing the post-nasal drip and chest discomfort, if I eliminate that then I could eliminate those.

My husband thinks it's the a/c on 24/7 but don't a/c's have air filters?
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The devaited septum and the sinusitis and rhinitis can cause a post nasal drip and constant itching sensation in the throat.

Has a CT scan of the sinuses been done?

Have you tried steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and warm saline gargles? They would definitely help to soem extent with your symptoms.

You should consult your doctor about steroid nasal sprays - thesew ould help releive your symptoms.

Air conditioning can worsen or aggravate the symptoms in patients with sinusitis or rhinitis - the filters would not help much.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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