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Always smelling wet dog?

My problem has developed over the past few weeks. It can happen when I am home or when I am out in public, but I am suddenly overwhelmed by the smell of wet dog. I don't own a dog, and there are never dogs present when it happens. I try sniffing myself to see if I'm the problem and it never is. It's never after I have pet dogs.
It seemingly comes out of nowhere.
I am worried this is an issue similar to smelling burnt toast?
Has anyone experienced this too?
Do you know why this could be happening?
2 Responses
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Hi, any infection or blockage in your nose can cause you to smell something that is not there. So, check to see if you have nasal congestion or sometimes sinusitis can also cause nasal blockage and consequent altered smell. It can also be caused by temporal lobe seizures, brain tumors, migraine, Parkinson's disease and stroke. You may need proper evaluation by your GP, please consult him for a neurological assessment. He may then refer you to a neurologist if needed. Regards.  
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Hi there,

Just finished reading your post. Is there a particular piece of clothing you
wear often ? I once had a sweater that when I washed it , it smelled like
a wet dog. Wet blankets can smell like a wet dog sometimes. Make a mental
note of what you're wearing , for example, when you start to smell wet dog.
See if you can figure out a pattern . Good luck. Eve
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