1693461 tn?1374511829

Asthma or Panic Attack?

Hi all. I had a question about my asthma. I've had asthma for nearly 6 or 7 years. It has been well managed and I rarely get any symptoms, only when allergies are up and if I have been working too hard on something.

I work at a movie theater and last night we were super busy. During one of our rushes I started to get short of breath and a pain in my chest. It progressively got worse. But there was nothing I could do about it because I was helping customers, and I also didn't have my inhailor with me.

After my line was all finished I excused myself and went to go sit down. I was shaky, slightly dizzy and short of breath where I had to breathe out of my mouth in short spats.

I got home later that night, still feeling short of breath, that was about 3 hrs of symptoms not letting up. I was feeling worse when I got home, I was still shaky and I ended up vomitting. I only coughed up big globs of mucus. I went to sleep and feel better when I woke up, still feeling weak and slightly short of breath

Can anyone tell me if this is Asthma related or a panic attack?
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With the pain, dizziness etc., it sounds more to me like a panic attack. I have been dealing with asthma since I was about a year old. In the past few years, I started getting panic attacks as well. According to what you said, especially the shaky part, I'd say panic attack. When I get panic attacks, I get a pain in the chest, I begin to get VERY shaky, and feel very weak. Asthma attacks you tend to feel a tightness in the chest, an I pain in my back and shoulders.
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Hello and welcome to the community.

Asthma attacks and panic attacks can be very similar.  It can be very difficult to differentiate between the two.

No two asthma attacks are exactly alike.  Asthma attacks can also lead to a panic attack.  What is worse than feeling like you can't breathe.

Personally, this sounds like an asthma attack that may have led to a panic attack.  Getting customers through a movie line can be a little strenous and definitely stressful. Stress is a common asthma trigger.  However, it also triggers panic attacks.  

Your excess mucous would seem to indicate that asthma was definitely in the mix.  

Never leave home without your inhaler.  Keep your inhaler with you either in a pocket, or ask management for a place to put an extra one at work for emergencies like last night.  

Please keep us posted on how you are doing.  

Take care of yourself.
God bless.
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1693461 tn?1374511829
Thank  you for your input. I am feeling better today, a little short of breath still but much better. I know it was careless of me to go without my inhailor but I got ballsy by not showing any symptoms for a long while. I believe I did have a mild Asthma attack as it went on for more than 3 hours.
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I am glad you are feeling better.

It is easy to get careless.  I am rarely symptom free, but usually mild.  I get careless from time to time as well.  Usually I will have used my purse inhaler somewhere in the house and just laid it down.  Then I leave without thinking aobut it.  I have a mild panic attack when I look in my purse and don't see it.  It happens.

Take care.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Since you have a history of asthma, from the symptoms it looks like asthma attack. Asthma is an important cause of chest tightness, difficulty in breathing and light headedness, but it is not the only factor for such symptoms. Others may include underlying lung(pneumonia, bronchitis etc) and cardiac pathology(angina, Myocardial infarction).It may also be due to gastritis and GERD.

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways, characterized by periodic attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

Diagnosis can be confirmed by lung function tests, X-Ray chest for lung pathology, ECG and echocardiography.
I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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1693461 tn?1374511829
Thanks. I dont usually wheeze when I have symptoms. Everytime I have a check up my lungs sound clear. Pollen is up here, that was probably a trigger since I have allergies to pollen.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Yes asthma attacks can be precipitated by pollen allergy. Remain indoors when the outdoor pollen levels are highest like windy days. You can also use a pollen and dust mask. Use a clothes dryer instead of hanging the wash outside, where it acts as a filter trap for pollen. Make sure to clean and replace your air conditioner and air cleaner filters regularly. Also effective are various types of air-filtering devices, which can be added to the heating and cooling systems in the home.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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