850029 tn?1238857820

Bloody mucus

I struggle with a variety of allergies.  I've been to an allergist and he's been treating it with antihistamines (Zyrtec) and a nasal spray.  I do nasal rinses and have try to eliminate as many allergens as possible.  I have no fragrance in my house, clean often etc........  I live in Minnesota and we have yet to get to the "spring time" allergies.  Luckily I'm not allergic to mold so the wet ground after the snow melting doesn't bother me.  

I've continued to be stuffed up and have sinus pressure.   I also have big clots of blood that come out of my nose when I blow it.  I'm used to a little blood, but this is a lot.  Its been going on for about 2 months now......  I don't know what else to do to make myself feel better and am very concerned about the blood.  What could it be????  Last I saw the doctor he told me to take a decongestant as well.  Mucinex didn't help so I went back to my favorite Advil Cold and Sinus:) MMMMMM what a great drug!  The congestion is better but there is still so much blood!

2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

The symptoms that you are having are due to epistaxis(bleeding from nose).Common causes are picking of nose,dry weather, blowing it too hard,trauma to nose,allergies and sometimes bleeding disorders. Sometimes liver disorders,sinus and nasopharyngeal abnormalities or serious causes like bleeding disorders and leukmias can also cause epistaxis.

My advise would be to consult an ENT specialist and getting an examination along with investigations like CT nasal and paranasalsinuses done to confirm the diagnosis.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.

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850029 tn?1238857820
Thanks for your help, I have had a CT and it came out normal, just a little scar tissue in one sinus.  I'll be going to a Ears, Nose, and Throat doctor soon.  I just am very impatient:)  All I want is to get some control over my allergies...... but life could be much worse.  I should be thankful medically I am only dealing with allergies!
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